Demon’s Souls Dragon God Boss Battle Guide – How to Beat, Tips & Tricks

Demons Souls Dragon God Boss Battle Guide

In this Demon’s Souls Dragon God Boss Battle Guide we will share some tips and tricks with you on how you can defeat the Dragon God boss in Demon’s Souls. The Dragon God is one of the most iconic bosses in Demon’s Souls and also one of my favorites. Despite its huge size and devastating attacks, if you fight the boss properly, you can easily defeat this giant dragon of fire in the game. We have curated this boss fight guide for you in which we will guide you on how you can easily manage that.

Dragon God Boss Battle Guide – Demon’s Souls

Our Demon’s Souls Dragon God Boss Battle Guide details everything that you need to know about defeating the Dragon God boss of Demon’s Souls.

How to Defeat Dragon God Easily in Demon’s Souls

Dragon God is a huge boss and if you are fighting it for the first time, it will surely look impossible to beat. Right after you enter the boss’s lair, go right and break the broken columns blocking your way.  While doing so, watch out for the boss’s fist attacks. Make sure that you stay behind the columns to stay out of sight. The fist attacks have a lot of radius so make sure that you run back after breaking the broken columns so that you have plenty of space. Try not to get too greedy with the columns and try to take your time clearing up your way. Stay behind columns as much as you can.

Eventually, you will reach the first ballista. Before shooting the ballista, make sure that you pick up the New Moon Grass from the body here. Shoot the ballista and it will greatly damage the boss. At this point, the boss will slam the ballista, and then a path will be revealed. Use the ramps to go down and repeat the same strategy for reaching the next ballista. Stick behind pillars as much as you can and pick up any items that come in your way. When you see flames dripping from the boss’s mouth, a devastating fire attack is coming. You can try to run back but the attack is really quick, and chances are that you will still get stuck in the attack. Before moving on, make sure to heal yourself fully.

Climb the stairs and you will reach the second ballista which after shooting will make the boss to fall down. Pick up any items lying around and then go down to finish the boss. Make sure that you use a long-ranged melee weapon for this because toughing the boss’s fang will set you on fire and you will take a lot of fire damage. Keep damaging the fang of the boss and you will eventually finish off the might Dragon God. Since you have to run a lot for this boss battle, make sure that you wear something light. Another thing that helps in the boss fight is that you must look at the dragon’s eyes before running around. Yellow means the boss has not seen you while red means that the dragon is aware of your presence.

Defeat the boss and you will be rewarded with 26800 souls and the Dragon Demon Soul. For more boss battles, check out the guides linked below.

This concludes our Demon’s Souls Dragon God Boss Battle Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Way of the Hunter.

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