Demon’s Souls Tower Knight Boss Guide – How to Defeat, Tips & Tricks

Demons Souls Tower Knight Boss Guide

In this Demon’s Souls Tower Knight Boss Guide we will guide you on how you can defeat the seemingly undefeatable Tower Knight in Demon’s Souls. When you come across this mighty boss in the Boletarian Palace, it might seem like it is impossible to kill because of the huge shield that it holds right in front of it however, this guide will help you how you can easily defeat this towering boss without much trouble.

Tower Knight Boss Guide – Demon’s Souls

Our Demon’s Souls Tower Knight Boss Guide details everything that you need to know about defeating the Tower Knight boss in Demon’s Souls.

How to Defeat the Tower Knight in Demon’s Souls

For this boss battle, all you need is a good weapon in your hand. Heavy weapons are exceptionally helpful in this boss battle. Any two-handed weapon is good. Traverse the fog, and after watching the initial cutscene, ignore the boss and run towards the stairs at the back of the arena. There are two separate sets going up, so you can take anyone first. Go up these stairs, turn around, and get rid of the archers first. These archers make your life a living hell during this boss fight. Be mindful that the boss also comes with a powerful ranged attack, so while you are on these stairs, prepare to dodge if you see a giant blue ball heading your way.

Once all of the archers are dead on both sides, you can finally tackle the boss itself. If you stay far away from the boss, it will continue to rain down its ranged attack on you, so you have to get close to it to make it stop. At close range, it will switch to its melee attacks. If you need to heal, you can run up the stairs and get a break during the boss fight and heal yourself up. While fighting with the boss, if you fight it from the front side, it will smash its shield on the ground with a powerful AoE attack that will take away a large amount of your health.

Your best bet at dealing damage to the boss is by staying at its backside and attacking its legs. It will also slash its sword at you at various angles, so try not to get caught in them. However, while you are attacking at the legs, the boss will lift its leg and slam it down on the floor. The best way to avoid getting damage here is to not get too greedy. Nab a few hits on the leg and get back quickly so that you are out of the smash zone. Once it smashes its leg on the ground, go back in for some hits once again.

If the boss turns around and catches you inside its shield by blocking your way, roll out quickly because a powerful sword slam is coming and it will deal a lot of damage to you if you are caught in the radius. The damage you are dealing to the boss at this point might appear like nothing; however, hitting the boss in his legs will allow you to eventually topple the boss over, and this allows you to hit his head, which deals massive damage to the boss. Keep hitting the legs, and eventually, it will fall, allowing you to hit the boss’s head. Try to keep the boss in the middle of the arena; otherwise, fighting on the edges will result in weird camera angles.

Also, make sure that you are hitting both legs of the boss. Hitting both legs will make the boss fall down much quicker than just one leg. Once the boss falls down, aim for its head and land as many heavy attacks on it as you can. If you fail to finish the boss, the boss will get back up and you have to start with the legs once again. Keep at it, and the boss will go down soon. The boss may look very difficult to beat, but a good strategy will allow you to kill it without much hassle. Defeating the boss will reward you with 8570 souls and the Iron Demon Soul.

Additional Demon’s Souls Guides are linked below:

Boss Battles:

General Guides:

This concludes our Demon’s Souls Tower Knight Boss Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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