In this Devil May Cry 5 Secret Missions Guide, we will detail all the locations and solutions of every Secret Mission in the game. Locating and completing all of the Secret Missions if vital in order to earn the “Secrets Exposed” trophy/achievement.
Secret Missions are like challenge missions where you are given various tasks that need to be completed before the timer runs out. Some missions can be made easier with the help of unlocked skills. We will mention and highlight what skill will work best in a certain Secret Mission.
To start off, the first thing you need to know about Secret Missions is that they are indicated by big red patterns on some walls that lead you to the entrance of the secret mission. when you see one of those, you will find a red glowing dot nearby always. Interacting with the red dot will start the Secret Mission.
Secret Missions can be played anytime by selecting a chapter that they are contained in. you can always come back to try them if you fail to complete the first time. Successfully completing each Secret Mission will reward you with a Blue Orb Fragment.
Devil May Cry 5 Secret Missions Guide
All the Secret Missions are detailed below with their locations and their solutions.
Secret Mission #1
This Secret Mission is found in the Second Main Story Mission of the game. During the second mission, when you use the second Nidhogg Hatchling to destroy the second barrier that is blocking your path. You will find yourself come through a bedroom.
Here you will also be prompted about Secret Missions, like a simple tutorial. To start the missions, stand on the side of the bed, where a red dot will light up on the floor. Now face the pattern on the wall to make it turn red. This will allow you to enter the Secret Mission.
The mission, you are tasked with defeating all the demons before the timer runs out. Complete the mission in any difficulty, as it is up to your choice. Eliminating the demons within 1min30secs will successfully finish the mission.
Secret Mission #2
This Secret Mission can be found during the Third Main Story Mission. When you are trying to remove the demonic tentacles by destroying the third Blood Clot. You will find an Exit Sign.
Enter this room with the Exit Sign, and you will find a staircase leading up. For the secret mission though, you will have to jump down to the bottom. You will find the red glowing dot that takes you to the secret mission on the floor. Once the dot is located, align it with the big icon that is up the stairs.
The mission tasks you with defeating 5 Praying Mantis enemies that can be seen carrying crystals on their backs. Do not let them escape when they dig a hole to get away. the best skill to have equipped for this mission is the “Overture Devil Breaker.” Any mantis that tries to escape can be grappled and spammed with the Overture. This method makes the task complete much quicker than it would be.
Secret Mission #3
This Secret Mission can be found during the Fourth Main Story Mission. Here you need to enter the building that takes you to the Secret Mission location. During the fourth mission, when you cross the train bridge, you will find a Nidhogg Hatchling in front of you. Pick it up and then head through the storage building till you reach the streets downstairs.
There will be enemies here that you have to fight. It is worth mentioning that you need to summon your Nightmare to break through the building. Once you have defeated all the enemies, head through the building that will now be accessible, and collect the second Nidhogg Hatchling.
Go back outside, and follow the street until you come across a Nidhogg Barrier. Destroy the barrier and collect the blue orb. To the left of the orb’s locations will be another Nidhogg Barrier that can be destroyed. This will then lead you inside a dark area of the building, where you need to go to the top floor of the building. Up here you will find a red dot that can be aligned with the pattern outside to trigger the start of the Secret Mission.
The mission will task you to collect all the Red Orbs within the provided time. The best way to go on with this is to run from the right side of the outer circle all the way to the left and collecting the Red Orbs there. Then you need to go in the middle area and run around the tables to collect the 8 Red Orbs there.
The last part is to go to the nearest Orb that is between some bookshelves. Jump over the bookshelf and to the next orb.. run all the way until you reach the starting point of the mission. If you are quick, you might be left with a couple of seconds to spare.
Secret Mission #4
This Second Mission can be found in the Fifth Main Story Mission. During the fifth mission, you will find that after you have fought the first group of foes in the warehouse and dropped down. A container on the left side will show you the same pattern that indicates a nearby Secret Mission.
Call your Nightmare which will destroy the wall, and then fight the enemies behind the wall. Now you need to walk up the scaffold, where at the top will be the red glowing dot. Align it to back to the way you came from.
The mission tasks you with killing all the enemies without taking any damage. You will be playing with V, whose skill “Promotion” can help you. Call the Nightmare and mount it. When you are on top of Nightmare, no enemy can hit you. Meanwhile you can still attack the enemies with your demon pets.
Additionally, you can also get the “Nightmare Combo B” skill to perform moves that deal damage to many enemies nearby.
Secret Mission #5
This Secret Mission is found in the Eight Main Story Mission of the game. During the mission, when you are at the second lava wall, jump off to the right side hallway up the lava stream. You can stand on the greasy platform and then grapple onto the grappling points that are moving up and down to reach another opening to the other side of the room.
Drop down from this opening and here you will find the red glowing dot between two red crystals.
In the mission, you have to get to the goal locations without touching the ground. This means you need to grapple to the end. There are 4 grappling points that you have to grapple and reach the other end.
Alternatively, you can also skip all the grappling by first having the Gerbera devil breaker equipped, and then dashing to the other side halfway up the lava.
Secret Mission #6
This Secret Mission can be found during the Ninth Main Story Mission of the game. when you are fighting the first knight in this level, you will find some vines behind onf the left side. This is the area that is just before entering the catacombs cave section.
Stand in front of the vines, destroy them with the Nightmare and then destroy the Blood Clot that powers the vines. When they vines die off, you can go to the area behind where a big Secret Mission pattern will be painted don the entrance where the vines were. Stand in the middle of the arch at the end of the area and face the way that you came from.
The mission tasks you with defeating all of the demons within 20 seconds. Before you begin the fight, its best to have your Devil Trigger full. You can do this by buying all 5 Purple Orbs in the shop. Playing the mission with Human difficulty will make thins easier for you as the enemies will have less health.
The best way to complete this mission is to summon your Nightmare immediately, and then buffing your other two demons. This will make the demons perform much stronger attacks. With everything prepared, all you have to do is let Nightmare do its job, while making your demons attack the enemies.
Secret Mission #7
This Secret Mission can be found during the Tenth Main Story Mission when you are in a big room with the green club lights. In here you will find a big praying mantis and burning drake enemy here. You will also find two gates here, one on the left and one on the right. Defeat the enemies quick and enter the teeth gate on the right before it closes on you.
The path that it leads upstairs will take you to the red orb where you can trigger the start of the secret mission.
To complete the Secret Mission itself is to defeat the enemy. To make this easier, you need to equip the Balrog weapon, which is needed to break the both the scissors. When you have broken both the scissors, the enemy’s head will glow red. Now you can shoot it with the Ebony and Ivory pistol which will instantly kill the enemy.
The toughest part of the mission is to break the scissors, and that can be done with Balrog weapon int eh most reliable way.
Secret Mission #8
This Secret Mission can be found during the Eleventh Main Story Mission. during the mission that you will be require dot destroy three Blood Clots. Destroying the first one will take you to a cutscene, showing you a clocktower building. After the cutscene, go back where you came from towards the top floor, where you will find the red glowing orb. Now face the entrance of the ruins.
In this mission, you are tasked with keeping the S Stylish Rank. Performing many air juggles and using a variety of weapons will help you with that. Throwing in some ranged weapons in the attack will also count. The easiest way is to turn on the auto assist option, which will do the combo automatically for you. All you have to do then is avoid getting hit by the enemy as it will break the combo.
Secret Mission #9
This Secret Mission can be found in the twelfth Main Story Mission of the game. when you are in the catacombs, and after jumping up the first pair of rocks, turn around to see a platform that will be behind you. You need to reach this platform where you will find the red glow, and facing the corridor on the main path to align and start the secret mission.
The mission tasks you by staying in the air for more than 15 seconds. You can do this by equipping the Cavaliere weapon and do air attacks with it. this will allow you to stay in the air for a long long time. A very simple task if you have the right weapon on you.
Secret Mission #10
This Secret Mission is found during the Fourteenth Main Story Mission. when you are about to destroy the second Blood Clots after you get back your three demons. stay in this area but turn around to see the pattern. Align it and the mission will start.
The goal of the mission is not to touch the ground. This can be done by jumping in the air and then using Griffon glide towards the goal where you can collect the blue orb fragment.
Secret Mission #11
This Secret Mission can be found during the fifteenth Main Story mission of the game. in the mission when you come across the first Divinity Statue, go behind the statue where a cutscene will show you the place where the blue orb is located. Take this path by using the double jump and Gerbera Devil Breaker to airdash the ramps. There will be various enemies but they can be ignored if you are quick to get to the top.
When you reach the top, you will find the pattern on a cliff, just under the blue orb fragment. This will trigger the start of the Secret Mission.
The mission asks you to get to the goal. This mission will be made very easy with the Gerbera devil breaker. Follow the path until the last set of moving platforms. Then head to the orb fragment to collect it.
Secret Mission #12
This Secret Mission can be found during the sixteenth main story mission of the game. When you drop down through the second hole in the mission and fight the armored two legged enemy and two fire drakes. You need to head down to the next hole below. Keep in mind that you should not go through the blue alcove that lead you to a blue orb fragment.
Here you will have to fight a two wheel lizard and a berserk lizard. Once you kill them, descend down further and keep heading down. Look down at the platforms below and start to descend until you reach an alcove just above the ledge with another large red orb tree. Inside the alcove you will find the red light, and turning around will reveal the pattern that can be aligned.
In this mission you are tasked with collecting a set amount of Red Orbs. The best skill for this is the Dr. Faust 3 skill that will increase the red orbs you earn. Equip Dr. Faust ranged weapon and use the Gunslinger Stance to suck out the red orbs from the enemy.
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This concludes our Devil May Cry 5 Secret Missions guide. Feel free to comment below.