ESA Announces Return of E3 from 2023, Event Will Take Place In-Person & Digitally

E3 2023

Entertainment Software Association or ESA for short, has announced that its biggest gaming convention E3 will return to its full form in 2023. This was announced by ESA president and CEO Stan Pierre-Louis who announced the return of E3 during an interview with The Washington Post. He detailed:

We’re excited about coming back in 2023 with both a digital and an in-person event. As much as we love these digital events, and as much as they reach people and we want that global reach, we also know that there’s a really strong desire for people to convene — to be able to connect in person and see each other and talk about what makes games great.

You can also check the video of the announcement below:

E3 will return in 2023, according to its parent company | Interview

E3 has been postponing its events since the global shutdowns due to COVID-19 in 2019 and the event did not take place during 2020 and in 2021, we got to see online-only E3 which was just various online streams and presentations by various companies. For the year, 2022, ESA canceled the event altogether and now it will return in 2023 as an in-person and digital event.

It is too early to mention this however we are hopeful to see all of the video game companies returning to a single platform for their announcements and presentations instead of having separate events all around the month. With no E3 this year, we are currently having the Summer Game Fest 2022 instead during which different companies are showcasing their own events and streams with what is to come in the upcoming year. Make sure you follow our in-depth coverage as we will be covering all of the events and livestreams taking place during the ongoing Summer Game Fest 2022.

What are your thoughts on the return of E3 from 2023? Would you prefer the classic E3 format for announcements or streams or do you prefer that each company hold its own event whenever it is convenient for them? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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