This Evil Genius 2 Gold Guide will show you how you can get more gold in the game to increase your domination in the world. The game offers a few activities that allow you to get more gold than usual, which is mainly by running Schemes.
Evil Genius 2 Gold Guide
Below we have detailed how you can earn Gold in the game.
How to Get Gold
The best way you can ensure in earning a lot of gold is by running Schemes in the Global Operations map, which gives you a variety of notorious activities like robbing a bank to stealing items meant for the greater cause of the world. These activities vary depending on the rank of your criminal network in your location.
However, before you can start running schemes, you have to start and grow your criminal network in the area you area. You can start this by scouting the area where your criminal activities will flourish. Every time you set out to scout a region, you will need a Broadcast Strength. This is obtained when you have multiple Radio Repeaters in your control center.
Once you have the grown your criminal network and can access Schemes in the Global Operations, you can upgrade them to unlock more Schemes in the area, rewarding you with more gold.
Earning gold with Schemes is also dependent on the heat your criminal networks carry. The higher the heat on your network, the lower the amount of gold you will earn with the Schemes. Having said that, the best way to manage the network is to keep a balance between spending on your minions to spending on reducing the heat. This will yield the best results and amounts of gold whether you engage in long or short running schemes.
This concludes our Evil Genius 2 Gold Guide. Post your comments below.