Ubisoft has announced that Far Cry New Dawn has gone gold and all production work on the game is now complete. This was revealed by the technical director of Far Cry New Dawn, Raphael Parent, on Twitter.
Far Cry New Dawn was revealed at The Game Awards 2018 and it really came as a surprise because no one was expecting a new Far Cry game to come out this early. This has been the case where Ubisoft would release a smaller game after every major release for quite some time.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was released after Far Cry 3 and Far Cry Primal was released after Far Cry 4. Both games were standalone smaller games which featured similar engines to previous titles however were set in a different setting. Same is the case with Far Cry New Dawn where the world is now recovering from a nuclear explosion.
You can check out Far Cry New Dawn’s announcement trailer below.
Far Cry New Dawn may look like an expansion to Far Cry 5 but it actually a different game with some unique mechanics coming into play. Far Cry New Dawn will have light RPG elements which means that every enemy and weapon will have a specific rank and they will deal damage accordingly. Players will need to keep enemy and weapon ranks in mind before jumping into action.
It will also give more options for taking over the world such as the new escalation of posts system. This new system will ensure that if you leave something behind unguarded, enemies will eventually come back to those locations with greater power and force so you will need to secure everything that you take over in Far Cry New Dawn.
It appears that Ubisoft is trying a whole new direction with Far Cry New Dawn and we will get to see how much these new mechanics alter the original Far Cry formula. Whether they make the game better or make it worse, we will have to wait and find out when the game comes out next month.
If you are planning to purchase the game on PC, you can check out the official system requirements to see whether your rig can handle the game or not.
Far Cry New Dawn is slated to release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on 15 February, 2019.