In this Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Guide, we will guide you on how you can unlock the new relic weapons and armor added to Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers with the new patch 5.25. The new patch adds Save the Queen Resistance weapons and the Dyeable Relic Artifact Armor to the game. Both of the relic weapons and armor require a bit of a grind to obtain in the game so if you want to obtain all of them, you better get busy as this is going to take some time. We have curated this Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Guide in which you will find information on how you can obtain both relic weapons and armor with the new patch 5.2.5.
Unlock Relic Weapons, Armor Guide – Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Our Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Guide details everything that you need to know about unlocking the relic weapons and armor added to the game in the new patch 5.25.
How to Unlock Save the Queen Relic Weapons
This is quite a lengthy process. To begin with, you must have already completed the original Stormblood Return to Ivalice Alliance Raid. Apart from this, you must be level 80 with the main story of Shadowbringers already completed. Once you meet all of these requirements, head to Kugane and begin the new Relic Weapon quest by interacting with Keiten. Keiten is located at X: 12.2, Y:12.3. Use any Level 80 class you want for this quest however make sure that character is level 80.
Once the quest begins, you will need to complete it all the way to the end. You will come across many bosses during this quest. If you die at any one of these bosses, you can load a checkpoint and resume quickly from there since the quest supports saving. However, the main problem here is not dying. It is actually completing the whole quest in one sitting. Logging out will reset your progress and so will starting a new quest. Stick to the quest once you begin and play it to the very end.
Once you’ve completed the very first quest, you will receive your first relic. After this, you can continue to play more repeatable quests for more Relic Weapons. You must keep in mind that this has to be completed in the same class with which you picked it up. The remaining four additional relics Thavnairian Scalepowders can be purchased from Rowena’s Vendors in Idulsshire and Revenant’s Toll.
How to Unlock Dyeable Relic Artifact Armor
For unlocking the new Artifact Armor, make sure that you have completed the Return to Ivalice Alliance Raid and Save the Queen Relic Weapons quest detailed above. Once they are done, you will unlock extreme trial Memoria Misera. To play this new extreme trial, you must speak with the Wandering Dramaturge. To unlock the full set of the armor, you will need 19 idols from the Memoria Misera after which you can get it from C’intana in Revenant’s Toll.
Check out more Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers guides below.
This concludes our Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.