This Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Firefly Jars Guide will show you what the new Firefly Jars do, where they can be found, and how to use these new items in the game. The Firefly Jars are new items that you can use against opponents in combat.
Firefly Jars can be found in certain locations. These are new throwable items that allow you to chuck them towards the target to deal damage.
Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Firefly Jars Guide
Below we have detailed where to find Firefly Jars in the game.
Where to Find Fireflies
Firefly Jars can only be made by collecting Fireflies. These are new items that can be found in all the places of the map, except only during night time. This means that you will have to wait until it gets dark during the match, which is when the Fireflies will start appearing. Sort of how it works in real life.
When it gets dark, go towards any locations that have a lot of trees around or any campsite on the map. These places usually contain a lot of Fireflies that you can catch. Once you have caught at least three Fireflies, you can then have a single Firefly Jar, ready to be used anytime. In addition to finding them in the wild, you can also find Fireflies from a Loot Llama or by beating Marauders.
Firefly Jar Uses
The Firefly Jar can be used as a throwable item against any opponent. Any target that you hit the Firefly Jar will take at least hit the opponent with 40 damage. The item also has a radius effect, which means that anything inside it will be damaged. This means that anyone, including you as a player can be affected by it if you are in its radius. This is why it is a good idea to launch it from a distance, making sure that you are well out of harm’s way.
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This concludes our Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Firefly Jars Guide. Post your comments below.