In this Fortnite Season 5 Week 7 Challenges Guide, we will guide you on how to complete the Week 7 challenges introduced in Season 5 of Fortnite. These challenges can be completed to progress your level in the Battle Pass and unlock rewards. Fortnite is currently in the middle of the fifth season and Epic has been adding a lot of items and new challenges to keep the game interesting and engaging.
Fortnite Battle Royale is the most popular game this year. Season 5 gives players without a Battle Pass a decent number of weekly challenges for them to complete and progress in the tier levels. With its list of Week 7 challenges released, let’s take a look at the challenges.
Fortnite Week 7 Challenges – How to Complete
Our Fortnite Season 5 Week 7 Challenges Guide, details everything that you need to know about completing all these challenges with ease. Check out the challenges below:
• Visit 4 different Named Locations in a single match
• Search 3 Supply Drops
• Get 3 SMG Eliminations
• Deal 8000 damage to opponents structures with Remote Explosives
• Stage 1: Search a Chest in Pleasant Park
• Follow the treasure map found in Dusty Divot
• Eliminate 3 Opponents in Lazy Links
Challenge # 1 – Visit different Named Locations in a single match
This is a very straightforward challenge in which you have to visit 4 different named locations on the map in a single match. The best and quickest way to accomplish this task is to go towards the Wailing Woods area, where there are a handful of Named Locations nearby. Lazy Links and Tomato Temple are right around Wailing Woods. Next is Lonely Lodge which is also a relatively calmer place to go to if you are still an amateur at the game. You can go to any of these locations in any order that you please.
Challenge # 2 – Search Supply Drops
Supply drops get more frequent towards the end of the round. To complete this challenge in a single go, survive as long as you can and look for Supply Drops which will come aplenty in the last minutes of the game. There is no requirement to do this task in a single match, so you can take your time in looking for Drops if you are an average player.
Challenge # 3 – SMG Eliminations
To complete this task you need to get three kills with any SMG of your choice. Thankfully, in the many recent updates, there have been so many new SMGs introduced with legendary rarities that this challenge will be a breeze. Look for a P90 SMG weapon that deals the most damage and has a high rate of fire, and get your kills. You will have completed this challenge in no time.
Challenge # 4 – Deal damage to opponent structures with Remote Explosives
This challenge may look like a tough challenge but trust us this is very easy. All you have to do is equip a C4 Remote explosive that can be frequently found in floor loot and Chests, and look for any built structures of opponents. You do not necessarily have to go towards a structure that has an enemy on it. Rather find a quiet abandoned structure, attach your explosive and blow it up. You need to tally up 8000 damage points to complete this challenge.
Challenge # 5 – Stage 1: Search a Chest in Pleasant Park
Previously, the daunting challenge of opening a number of chests in a location that was crowded with a lot of enemies has finally been made easy. Thankfully, you now have to search just one chest in 5 different stages. These stages require you to open a chest in another named location after you complete a stage. To complete this challenge you need to go in this order:
- Stage 1: Open a Chest in Pleasant Park
- Stage 2: Open a Chest in Retail Row
- Stage 3: Open a Chest in Lucky Landing
- Stage 4: Open a Chest in Greasy Grove
- Stage 5: Open a Chest in Paradise Palms
Challenge # 6 – Follow the treasure map found in Dusty Divot
If you can’t figure out what the map is trying to tell you about the Battle Star’s Location, then we have that covered for you. Head to the location that is northwest of Dusty Divot where the Battle Star will be in the middle of the trees. We have indicated on the map below where to collect your Battle Star:
Challenge # 7 – Eliminate opponents in Lazy Links
Complete this challenge by getting three kills in Lazy Links. Lucky for you, there will be a lot of traffic in this area as many opponents will be rushing here to get their own challenge done. Look for a weapon as quick as you can because weapons can be scarce here. When you land in Lazy Links, begin your attack and get your kills. This may take a match or two so ideally you will have to be persistent.
Missing some old challenges? Check out our Week 5 and Week 6 Season 5 Challenges guides.
This concludes our Fortnite Season 5 Week 7 Challenges Guide. If you wish to add anything to this article, please feel free to write your opinion in the comments section below.