In this Fortnite Season 5 Week 9 Challenges Guide, we will guide you on how to complete the Week 9 challenges introduced in Season 5 of Fortnite. These challenges can be completed to progress your level in the Battle Pass and unlock rewards. Fortnite is currently in the middle of the fifth season and Epic has been adding a lot of items and new challenges to keep the game interesting and engaging.
Fortnite Battle Royale is the most popular game this year. Season 5 gives players without a Battle Pass a decent number of weekly challenges for them to complete and progress in the tier levels. With its list of Week 9 challenges released, let’s take a look at the challenges.
Fortnite Week 9 Challenges – How to Complete
Our Fortnite Season 5 Week 9 Challenges Guide, details everything that you need to know about completing all these challenges with ease. Check out the challenges below.
- Deal 500 Damage with Explosive Weapons to opponents
- Get 150,000 Trick Points in a Shopping Cart or ATK
- Follow the treasure map found in Shifty Shafts
- Stage 1: Search a Chest in Haunted Hills
- Visit 7 different Stone Heads
- 5 Assault Rifle Eliminations
- Eliminate 3 opponents in Tomato Temple
Challenge # 1 – Deal damage with Explosive Weapons to opponents
In this challenge, equip any explosive weapon and fire towards enemies to deal damage to them. It can be a tough challenge considering that explosive damages are tough to land on opponents.
We would suggest equipping a rocket launcher as it would be the best to get the challenge complete quicker.
Challenge # 2 – Get Trick Points in a Shopping Carts or ATK
Consider Trick Points as stunt points in Fortnite Battle Royale. The best way to complete this challenge is to jump from a mountain in any type of the two vehicle, shopping cart or All Terrain Vehicle, and landing on ramps, or landing on our feet, performing a couple of spins, all of these can earn you a decent amount of points that will eventually complete the task in not time.
Challenge # 3 – Follow the treasure map found in Shifty Shafts
Fortunately for you, we have located the battle star which will save you time not looking for the map in Shifty Shafts. However, the map this time is a pretty obvious one and will not be hard to decipher the location of the star. Nonetheless, the location is marked on the map below.
You can opt to land on it straight away when you spawn out of the bus. A little caution will be required as this is a very early challenge this week, and there will be a lot of players coming in to get their own battle star.
Challenge # 4 – Stage 1: Search a chest in Haunted Hills
Previously, the daunting challenge of opening a number of chests in a location that was crowded with a lot of enemies has finally been made easy. Thankfully, you now have to search just one chest in 5 different stages.
These stages require you to open a chest in another named location after you complete a stage. To complete this challenge you need to go in this order:
- Stage 1: Open a Chest in Haunted Hills
- Stage 2: Open a Chest in Shifty Shafts
- Stage 3: Open a Chest in Lazy Links
- Stage 4: Open a Chest in Tilted Towers
- Stage 5: Open a Chest in Risky Reels
Challenge # 5 – Visit different Stone Heads
This is a pretty easy challenge out of the rest. By now you will have seen many Stone Heads across the whole area.
To complete this challenge, you need to go to 7 different Stone Heads. A good thing about the challenge is that, if you are lucky, you can visit all seven in one go.
Challenge # 6 – Assault Rifle Eliminations
In this challenge, you need to get 5 assault rifle eliminations. Assault rifles are the most common type of rifles in the game. Pick one up and begin your attack towards the enemy. Since this is a very easy task, it should be completed rather quickly.
Challenge # 7 – Eliminate opponents in Tomato Temple
This task would be challenging considering that it is so early in the week, but that can also work in your favor as more players will be dropping in this area.
This will give you more targets to complete the challenge if you can equip a weapon quickly and begin firing.
Missing some old challenges? Check out our Week 7 and Week 8 of the Season 5 Challenges guides.
This concludes our Fortnite Season 5 Week 9 Challenges Guide. If you wish to add anything to this article, please feel free to write your opinion in the comments section below.