Spring brings the final week of the Midnight Muscle Festival Playlist to Forza Horizon 5, and it brings new challenges for you to complete and rewards to unlock. While we may not have an exclusive vehicle to unlock this month, this Festival Playlist will be the final new playlist to arrive in the game with previous Festival Playlists coming to the game in future weeks which will be selected by player votes. If you are looking to complete this week’s challenges, you have come to the right place. This Forza Horizon 5 Companion Cube Collectibles Guide will help you complete this week’s challenge easily.
Companion Cube Collectibles Guide – Forza Horizon 5
The Horizon Neon Cube is not a new collectible to arrive in Forza Horizon 5 and it is a bummer because a brand-new collectible to arrive in the final new Festival Playlist would have been great. It could have been anything to mark the final playlist and could have been a commemoration to Mexico where we have spent quite a lot of time since Forza Horizon 5 came out. This week, you will find the Horizon Neon Cubes spread all over the Horizon Street Scene Outpost, which is located near the El Estadio Horizon, the game’s only stadium. If you are confused about its location, we have it marked below for you:
Once you arrive here, you will find these giant cubes spread all over the outpost. Start smashing them with any vehicle you have. There is no vehicle requirement for this challenge. To complete the challenge, you will need to smash 10 of these Horizon Neon Cubes. There are enough scattered here that you can complete it in one run but if you fast travel back here, all smashed cubes will respawn as well. For completing the challenge, you will be rewarded with 3 points towards the Festival Playlist completion along with the Raptor Rawr Car Horn Reward.
That is all for this guide. If you need help with this week’s photo challenge, make sure to check out our dedicated Forza Horizon 5 SebastianTank Photo Challenge Guide. Additional Forza Horizon 5 guides are linked below:
- Hot Wheels Guide – How to Get Off the Orange Tracks
- Drifting Guide
- Bonus Boards Location Guide
- Barn Finds Locations Guide
- Bonus Boards Locations Guide
- Houses Locations Guide
- Drifting Guide
This concludes our Forza Horizon 5 Companion Cube Collectibles Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.