Forza Horizon 5 SecretHondaWay Photo Challenge Guide – Secret Cave Near Ek’ Balam, Honda or Acura

Forza Horizon 5 SecretHondaWay Photo Challenge Guide

The Spring season has arrived in Forza Horizon 5 and with it, we have a new Festival Playlist filled with new challenges to complete and rewards to unlock. With the Japanese automotive celebrations coming to a close this week, we have a final photo challenge to complete before we wrap up the celebrations. We have curated this Forza Horizon 5 SecretHondaWay Photo Challenge Guide for you which will help you complete this week’s challenge easily.

Forza Horizon 5 SecretHondaWay Photo Challenge Guide - Stone Lantern Locations in Secret Cave

SecretHondaWay Photo Challenge Guide – Forza Horizon 5

For completing this week’s photo challenge, you must be driving either an Acura or a Honda. There are plenty of Acura and Honda vehicles in the game and you pick whatever is your favorite for this challenge. Once you are in your favorite vehicle, simply head to the secret cave present near Ek’ Balam and take a picture near the Stone Lanterns located at its entrance. On the map, it is hiding behind one of the XP board markers near Ek’ Balam so hiding the icons may make it easier for you to spot this tiny water body. Its location is a little tricky to find however you can find it on the map below:

Forza Horizon 5 SecretHondaWay Photo Challenge Guide

Once you have arrived at this location, simply enter the photo mode by pressing up on the D-pad and taking a picture while making sure that both your car and the stone lanterns are inside the frame. Once done, you will complete the challenge and earn the ‘Too Soon, Junior’ Forza Link award along with 2 Points for your Festival Playlist completion.

That is all for this guide. If you need help with this week’s treasure hunt, you can check out our dedicated Forza Horizon 5 Supraman Treasure Hunt Guide. For additional help with the game, we have more guides linked below:

This concludes our Forza Horizon 5 SecretHondaWay Photo Challenge Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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