In this Frostpunk Buildings Guide, we will guide you on all the buildings present in Frostpunk. After nearly 1.5 years, Frostpunk is making its way on consoles and players will finally be able to try out this amazing society survival game set in a cold, post-apocalyptic world where you must ensure the survival of your society by any means. To ensure the survival of your society, you will be required to build quite a lot of buildings in the game and thus it is important that you must have a thorough understanding of each and every building in the game.
Since you can construct a large number of buildings in the game, some of these buildings are not available to your right from the start of the game. You must unlock these buildings first before you can actually build them in your city. We have curated this Frostpunk Buildings Guide in which we have not only detailed all buildings but also detailed how you can unlock the locked buildings in the game so that you can easily unlock them and construct in your city.
Buildings Guide – Frostpunk
Our Frostpunk Buildings Guide details everything that you need to know about buildings and how to unlock them in Frostpunk.
General Guidelines for Buildings
Not all of the buildings are unlocked right from the start of the game. The buildings are categories according to their use and major categories of the game are People, Health, Food, Resources and Technology. Some of the locked buildings are unlocked via the Book of Laws while some must be researched at the Workshop.
Below you will find buildings detailed into these categories in the game. Most of the buildings can also be upgraded to make them more efficient specially if they are resource collection buildings. You will also need to connect these buildings with roads to allow your civilians to move between them.
Now let’s start with the buildings.
This section of the guide lists all buildings which ensure the better accommodations and living of your people.
The most basic and common structure of your society, the tent will allow 10 people to live in them. You must build them in heat zones as they cannot keep the tenants safe from the cold wave. Each tent will cost you 10 wood to construct one so they are also pretty cheap to build as well.
A step up from Tents, Bunkhouses are still pretty cheap living accommodations. They can accommodate 10 people however they are better at cold protection so they can be built outside heat zones without any problems.
Child Shelter
The Child Shelter is more of a support structure in the game. It will allow parents to send their children to a safe place while they head out to work. Child Shelters are operational only during the day and working hours during which they take care of the children and also feed them. One Child Shelter can easily accommodate 15 children every day. You can unlock Child Shelter from the Book of Laws by choosing the option ‘Child Shelter’.
Fighting Arena
Fighting Arena is the most important entertainment building for your citizens in your society. It will ensure that the dissatisfaction level of your people remains low. You must first unlock them from the Book of Laws by choosing the option ‘Fighting Arena’.
Snow Pit/Cemetery
Just like the living, you need a place to bury your dead as well. The game gives you 2 options in this regard. You will need to choose between Snow Pit or a Cemetery. This can be done in the Book of Laws. Depending on what choice you make, you will either unlock the Snow Pit to bury your dead or the Cemetery.
Public House
Public Houses play an important role in keeping the dissatisfaction level of your society low. People will visit them in their free time for entertainment so you must build them in your society. However, Public Houses can only be built inside Heat Zones as they cannot protect the people inside them from the cold. To unlock the option to build Public Houses, you must open the Book of Law and choose the option ‘Public House’.
This section of the guide details all buildings that are required for the physical and mental well-being of your citizens.
Medical Posts
Medical Posts are your basic infirmaries that can treat 5 people at the same time. They must be built inside heat zones. They are also cheap to build as they require only 25 wood each. You can further increase their efficiency by upgrading them in the workshop.
Care Houses
A small step up from Medical Posts, Care Houses must also be built inside heat zones. However here more serious patients can be treated and you must ensure that you have them in your society because if someone is declared terminally ill in a Medical Post, they must be referred to a Care House which has the capability of treating such patients. Unlock them by opening the Book of Law and selecting the option ‘Care House’.
This section of the guide lists all buildings that are important for the collection and storage of all food for your society.
The most basic food processing buildings are your Cookhouses. They make food for your people to eat. They collect raw food from your storage and convert them into edible food that people can enjoy. You must build them inside heat zones. You can build one for just 20 wood and it can convert 1 raw food into 2 edible meals.
Hunter’s Hut
Hunter’s Huts are one of the structures which collect raw food for your Cookhouses. You can build 1 for 25 wood and then later upgrade them in the workshop to make them more effective at food collection. Initially, each Hunter’s Hut will collect 15 raw food per day but an upgrade later, it increases its amount to 20 raw food per day.
You can grow crops in Hothouses. They provide raw food each day. One Hothouse costs 15 wood and 1 steam core. To make them more effective, you can upgrade them in the workshop later. You have to build them in heat zones because they cannot produce their own heat.
This section of the guide lists all buildings that will allow your society to gather and store resources for your city.
Resource Depot
All collected resources are stored in these Resource Depots. You can build as many Resource Depots as you like however you must know that a single Resource Depot can only store 1 type of resource. You cannot have multiple resources stored in the same resource depot. You will need 40 wood and 20 steel to build 1 Resource Depot.
Gathering Post
Unlike the Resource Depots, Gathering Posts are big warehouses that can store multiple types of resources are the same time. You have to manually assign workers to a gathering Post after which they will automatically seek out different types of resources located close to its location. You will need 5 steel and 15 wood to build one.
Wood is an essential resource for your city and you will need to build Sawmills to collect wood. Sawmills are unlocked after researching them at the workshop. They will give you 80 wood per day and they are pretty cheap to build as well as one requires only 10 wood to build them.
Wall Drill
Similar to Sawmills, Wall Drills also extract wood from frozen trees. You must research them at a workshop before you build them.
Coal Mine
Just like the name suggests, Coal Mines will collect coal for your society. Coal is a very important resource for your society so you should build plenty of them. You can research them at your workshop to unlock them before building them. Each Coal Mine will set you back 20 wood and 10 steel. Each coal mine will convert coal into useable fuel which can be used by your city.
Coal Thumper
Cola Thumpers will allow you to dig and bring coal deposits to the surface on earth which is then used by Coal Mines. They are basically a support structure for Coal Mines. You will need to research them first at the workshop. Each Coal Thumper comes with 2 gathering points for coal.
You will need to build Steelworks to dig iron out from their underground deposits. Apart from digging out iron, Steelworks will also smelt the dug-out iron and turn them into useable steel. You will later use this steel in building construction. Research them at a workshop and then you can build any number of them in your city.
These buildings are the epitome of success of your society and you cannot expect your society to grow and perform well without these buildings.
You will research new buildings and upgrade existing ones at your Workshop. This is a high-priority building and you should try to build it as soon as possible because, without researching, you will not be able to construct some advanced buildings in the game. A workshop costs 15 wood and 5 steel.
Beacons allow you to deploy recon teams which are a vital part of the expeditions mechanic in Frostpunk. Recon Teams will survey areas around your society and bring back resources and information about your surroundings. Others will be able to find your city with the help of these beacons as well. They are available for construction after their research is completed at the workshops.
Steam Hub
Steam Hubs will create heat zones for your society. There are many buildings that cannot produce their own heat so you must build them inside these heat zones. You must build and sustain as many Steam Hubs as possible because you cannot expect to expand without more Steam Hubs. They require coal to run so you must have a decent supply of coal all the time. You can upgrade them further to increase their efficiency. They can be built after their research is completed at the Workshop.
The Generator
The Generator is the core of your society. It ensures power and heat supply to your entire city. You cannot expect your city to run without power and all buildings in the game require power to run hence the Generator is the heart of your society. You can increase its level of operation however with each increase, its coal usage will also increase and if you really have to, you can turn it off as well.
Check out more Frostpunk guides below.
This concludes our Frostpunk Buildings Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.