In this God of War Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible Locations Guide, we will guide you on the locations of all the collectibles found in Fafnir’s Storeroom. Each location in God of War is full of different locations that you need to collect if you want to reach 100% completion for each location. These collectibles are spread around each location in hidden areas or off-path areas and you might miss many if you are not careful.
Lucky for you, our God of War Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible Locations Guide details all collectibles in the Fafnir’s Storeroom location of God of War. With the help of this guide, you will be able to collect all hidden collectibles in the location and aim for that 100% completion mark. It is worth mentioning here that if you are playing the game for the first time, we recommend that you skip these collectibles as none of these can be missed. You can collect all of them after finishing the main story of the game.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectibles – Location Guide
This God of War Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible Locations Guide focuses on all collectibles present in Fafnir’s Storeroom. There are 9 collectibles in this region that you must collect. We have detailed the collectibles in a sequence so that when you start the area, you can collect all of them while following the main path that you used for the campaign.
Fafnir’s Storeroom is an optional area and is not related to the main story in any way. It will not even show up on your map if you only play the main story. Fafnir’s Storeroom is accessed when you take up the favor ‘Fafnir’s Hoard’ from Sindri. Visit him at his shop to accept this favor.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 1 – Raven
After landing on the beach, start making your way inside. Ride the elevator up and look for the raven sitting on top of it. Raven will be looking at the area beyond the elevator.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 2 – Mystic Gateway
This is located right next to Sindri’s shop in Fafnir’s Storeroom. You will get it automatically as you make your way to the main area.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 3 – Shop
Sindri’s shop is located on the main path right next to the Mystic Gateway. Very hard to miss.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 4 – Raven
The second rave of the area is flying above Sindri’s shop. Aim your axe in its flight path to hit it.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 5 – Raven
When you reach the woods after crawling through the cave, you will find the next raven sitting on a branch on the left side.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 6 – Raven
Keep heading straight and look at the top of the giant stone door in the same woods area. You will find the raven sitting at the top of the stone door.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 7 – Nornir Chest
Located in the same location as the last Raven. You will find it easily since it is sitting in the middle of the woods. Hit the three bell ruins in quick succession to open the chest. The first is located on the hill on the left side while the other two are located above the chest and can be seen easily.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 8 – Raven
Now head inside Fafnir’s Storeroom. Look for the platform with the dead body and paths leading to different doors. You will find the raven flying in this area in circles.
Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible # 9 – Legendary Chest
The Legendary Chest is located in the room where you meet Fafnir’s spirit.
- Additional God of War Guides are linked below:
- Leviathan Axe Guide
- Guardian Shield Guide
- Muspelheim Guide
- Niflheim Guide
- Collectibles Guides
- Lookout Tower Collectible Locations Guide
- Wildwoods Collectible Locations Guide
- The Mountain Collectible Locations Guide
- Volunder Mines Collectible Locations Guide
- The River Pass Collectible Locations Guide
- Cliffs of the Raven Collectible Locations Guide
- Northri Stronghold Collectible Locations Guide
- Iron Cove Collectible Locations Guide
- Isle of Death Collectible Locations Guide
- Landsuther Mines Collectible Locations Guide
- Jotnar Shrines Guide
- Elf Outpost Collectible Locations Guide
- Forgotten Caverns Collectible Locations Guide
- Tyr’s Temple Collectible Locations Guide
- Helheim Collectible Locations Guide
- Konunsgard Collectible Locations Guide
- Veithurgard Collectible Locations Guide
- Council of Valkyries Collectible Locations Guide
- Stone Falls Collectible Locations Guide
- Buri’s Storeroom Collectible Locations Guide
- Shores of Nine Collectible Locations Guide
- Thamur’s Corpse Collectible Locations Guide
- Alfheim Collectible Locations Guide
- Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible Locations Guide
- Foothills Collectible Locations Guide
- Additional God of War Guides are linked below:
This concludes our God of War Fafnir’s Storeroom Collectible Locations Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.