Going Medieval Iron Guide – Where to Find, How to Smelt

Going Medieval Iron Guide

This Going Medieval Iron Guide will show you where you can find Iron and how to smelt it. Iron is one of the materials that is used in building and crafting. Locating Iron is one task while smelting it is what makes it a useful item.

Locating iron will need you identifying spots where you are likely to obtain iron in its raw form. Once you understand how the game highlights the regions containing Iron, you will be harvesting a lot of it in no time.

Going Medieval Iron Guide

Below we have detailed where to find Iron and how to smelt it.

Where to Find Iron

Iron is obtained in its raw form where you will be harvesting Iron nuggets. These can be found underground in grey rocky patches on the ground. The areas containing iron underneath the ground will have small gray limestone patches. This is an indication that you need to dig out these patches to get the iron.

The digging process is easier said than done, as you will likely be digging very deep just to reach the iron, but once you do reach them, you will find brownish material as you dig deeper. This is the iron that you can dig and collect.

Some of these limestone locations might be small but will have a lot of iron deposits inside. Other times, large patches will not yield you as much as you were expecting. This is why you should dig every patch you see, especially when you are just getting started with the game and want to obtain as much iron as you can.

How to Smelt

To Smelt resource materials such as Iron requires a Smelting furnace. This can be crafted after you research Architecture and craft it using Clay and Limestone. Once ready, all you have to do is add your iron nuggets along with fuel to start the smelting. Fuel can be anything from wood, coal, or sticks.

Smelting will give you iron ingots which you can then use for various other items in the game.

Read more Going Medieval guides:

This concludes our Going Medieval Iron Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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