Green Hell Board Game Kickstarter Funded in Just 7 Hours, After Campaign Re-Launch

Green Hell The Board Game Kickstarter

Developer Galaktus Games has stated that its upcoming Green Hell The Board Game has just completed its Kickstarter funding in just 7 hours. This comes after Kickstarter reached its 100% funding goal of 45,000€.

For starters, what this does is that the project will be finalized. But more importantly, and now that there are 17 days left till the end of the campaign, there are more stretch goals that will be unlocked as more and more backers support the developer.

So far more than 600 backers have managed to raise 59,000€ and unlocked two more stretch goals. These goals include additional map cards and new mechanics added to the game.

The interesting thing about the game is that the Kickstarter was originally launched back on August 3, but the creators decided to cancel it after a few days, even after the 65% goal was reached with plenty of time left. However, Galaktus Games decided to follow the community feedback and gathered during the campaign. Thanks to the feedback, the team has now implemented many new improvements and relaunched the Kickstarted on September 1st. The most noticeable change was the new and less expensive Core Game for only 62€.

Green Hell The Board Game Kickstarter

Mateusz “Vik” Sochoń, lead designer at Galaktus Games had this to say,

The re-launched campaign is an amalgamation of new opportunities and possibilities which opened up during the first campaign and the community feedback. All of this resulted in lower prices for our Backers, KS exclusive content, longer Early Bird period, upgraded component content (dual-layered player and camp boards), social stretch goals to engage more of the community and many more.

This combination turned out to be a recipe for success – and the project was funded faster than we expected. It took us 7 hours and we are determined to grow it even more with the help of the Kickstarter backer community

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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