Grounded Crafting Recipes Guide – How to Craft, Materials Resources

Grounded Crafting Recipes Guide

This Grounded Crafting Recipes Guide will show you all the recipes and what materials are required to craft items in the game. There are plenty of items that can be crafted with the required materials. However, most items need you to analyze materials before you can unlock the crafting recipe for an item.

There are several different types of materials in the game, from Tools and Consumables to Workbench Tools, building materials, decoration, and weapons.

Crafting Recipes Guide – Grounded

Our Grounded Crafting Recipes guide details all of the crafting recipes that you can find in the game.

Acquiring Recipes in Grounded

To acquire the recipes, you will first need to find different resources and analyze them at the Resource Analyzers scattered around the backyard. When you reach any of these Resource Analyzers, you can quickly scan the resource that you found in the world and it will unlock the corresponding recipes for you to craft in the game.

Grounded Crafting Recipes Guide

However, you should note that each Resource Analyzer will only have a particular amount of charges and you can only analyze a certain number of items before it runs out of charges. The items already scanned are blacked out and you only need to analyze the items that have color in the list. After you analyze the resource, the recipes and other information will be added to your ‘Crafting’ tab.

Resources List

This section of the guide details every different kind of resource found in Grounded and which items they are used in. If you need to unlock an item recipe, simply analyze the resource which is required for the item you want and you will unlock its recipe in the game.

Resource Used In
Pebblet Pebblet Spear
Pebblet Axe
Roasting Spit
Plant Fiber Pebblet Spear
Fiber Bandage
Woven Fiber
Trial Marker
Sprig Pebblet Spear
Pebblet Axe
Spiky Sprig
Roasting Spit
Trail Marker
Sprig Bow
Pebblet Hammer
Clover Shin Guard
Sap Fiber Bandage
Armor Glue
Dry Grass Chunk Roasting Spit
Thistle Needle Spiky Sprig
Mite Fuzz Stuffed Aphid
Aphid Slippers
Stuffed Weevil
Mite Hat
Ant Arm Guards
Ant Knee Guards
Ant Helmet
Armor Glue
Stuffed Mite
Clover Leaf Trial Marker
Raw Aphid Meat Stuffed Aphid
Aphid Slippers
Weevil Nose Stuffed Weevil
Gas Mask
Raw Weevil Meat Stuffed Weevil
Gnat Fuzz Sprig Bow
Stuffed Gnat
Gas Mask
Grub Hide Mite Hat
Raw Gnat Meat Stuffed Gnat
Mushroom ???
Ant Part Ant Arm Guards
Ant Knee Guards
Ant Helmet
Ant Head Ant Helmet
Acid Gland Ant Arm Guards
Weed Stem Door
Roof Corner
Roof Interior Corner
Grass Plank Wall
Clover Leaf Clover Poncho
Clover Shin Guards
Clover Hood
Trail Marker
Storage Basket
Roof Corner
Roof Interior Corner
Stinkbug Part Gas Mask
Dry Grass Chunk Torch
Roasting Spit
Ant Mandibles Ant Club
Aphid Roast Created on Roasting Pit using Raw Aphid Meat. It is edible and fulfills your hunger
Stinkbug Gas Sack Gas Arrow
Slime Mold Stalk Slime Mold Torch
Gnat Roast Created on Roasting Pit using Raw Gnat Meat. It is edible and fulfills your hunger
Weevil Roast Created on Roasting Pit using Raw Weevil Meat. It is edible and fulfills your hunger
Acorn Roast Acorn Shovel
Boiling Gland Insect Hammer

Recipes List

Below, you will find all of the crafting recipes found in Grounded. We have categorized them according to the game.


This section details all of the Materials found in Grounded, how you can craft them, and where they are used in the game.

Material Ingredients Required Used In
Woven Fiber 3x Plant Fiber Pebblet Axe
Spiky Sprig


This section of the guide lists all of the tools in Grounded their use and how you can craft them.

Tool Use Crafting Ingredients
Pebblet Axe Basic chopping tool for chopping plant material 3x Sprig
2x Pebblet
1x Woven Fiber
Pebblet Spear Basic spear weapon used for stabbing enemies. Thrown damage is much higher. 2x Sprig
3x Plant Fiber
1x Pebblet
Spiky Sprig Weaponized Sprig with thorns at the end 3x Sprig
5x Thistle Needle
2x Woven Fiber
Sprig Bow Allows you to shoot arrows from a long distance 3x Sprig
4x Gnat Fuzz
2x Woven Fiber
Arrows (10) Can be retrieved after shooting 2x Mite Fuzz
5x Thistle Needle
Pebblet Hammer Can bust open different items and break larger objects into smaller objects 3x Sprig
4x Pebblet
1x Woven Fiber
Torch Provides light in dark areas 2x Sprig
1x Sap
2x Woven Fiber
3x Dry Grass Chunk
Gas Arrow Creates a gas cloud where it lands 1x Arrow
1x Stinkbug Gas Sack
Slime Mold Torch Small torch that lights up for a short time 2x Slime Mold Stalk
2x Plant Fiber
Acorn Shovel Shovel used for digging up grubs 2x Sprig
1x Woven Fiber
1x Acorn Shell

Workbench Gear

This section of the guide details all of the items that require a workbench in order for them to be crafted.

Workbench Gear Crafting Ingredients Stat Boost
Aphid Slippers 2x Raw Aphid Slippers + The Quickness
10x Mite Fuzz
Mite Hat 5x Mite Fuzz +Hyperstamina
5x Grub Hide
Ant Helmet 1x Ant Head + Hauling Strength
3x Ant Part
5x Mite Fuzz
Ant Arm Guards 5x Ant Part +Hauling Strenght
2x Acid Gland
2x Mite Fuzz
Ant Knee Guards 6x Ant Part +Hauling Strength
2x Woven Faber
4x Mite Fuzz
Gas Mask 1x Weevil Nose +Gas Guard
4x Gnat Fuzz
2x Woven Fiber
1x Stinkbug Part
Clover Hood 4x Clover Leaf +Fuller
1x Woven Fiber
Clover Poncho 6x Clover Leaf +Fuller
3x Woven Fiber
Clover Shin Guards 3x Clover Leaf +Fuller
2x Woven Fiber
2x Sprig
Eyepatch 1x Woven Fiber +Attack
2x Fiber Bandage
1x Sap

Workbench Tools

This section of the guide lists all items that require the Workbench for their crafting.


Tool Use Crafting Ingredients
Armor Glue Allows you to stick simple armors back together 3x Mite Fizz
2x Sap
1x Woven Fiber
Ant Club Solid club that deals a high amount of stun damage to enemies 4x Ant part
2x Woven Fiber
2x Ant Mandibles

This section of the guide lists all of the snacks that you can craft and consume in Grounded.Snacks

Snack Use Crafting Ingredients Used In
Fiber Bandage Recovers health over time 3x Plant Fiber ???
2x Sap
Canteen Carries two scoops of liquid to transfer to storage or slurp 3x Grub Hide ???
2x Woven Fiber ???


This section of the guide lists all items that you can craft and use them as decorations. You will need a workbench for these items.

Item Crafting Ingredients Used In
Stuffed Aphid 2x Raw Aphid Meat ???
2x Mite Fuzz
Stuffed Weevil 1x Weevil Nose ???
4x Raw Weevil Meat
2x Mite Fuzz
Stuffed Gnat 2x Raw Gnat Meat ???
5x Gnat Fuzz
Stuffed Mite 10x Mite Fuzz ???

Base Building

This section of the guide lists all of the items that will help you in the construction of your base.

Item Crafting Ingredients Use
Wall 4x Grass Plank Keeps insects out but can be damaged with attacks
Door 1x Weed Stem Used to enter rooms. Can be opened and closed
3x Grass Plank
1x Sprig
2x Woven Fiber
Roof 1x Weed Stem Provides thatched roof over your base
4x Clover Leaf
Roof Corner 1x Weed Stem Provides a thatched corner for your roof
4x Clover Leaf
Roof Interior Corner 1x Weed Stem Provides a thatched inside corner for your roof
4x Clover Leaf

Meal Prep

This section of the guide lists all of the items that will help you make different meals in the game.

Item Crafting Ingredients
Roasting Spit 4x Pebblet
4x Sprig
3x Dry Grass Chunk


This section of the guide lists all items that will come in handy in various scenarios for you in the game.

Item Use Crafting Ingredients
Trail Marker Transmits a trackable visual signal and helps you find your way back home 2x Sprig
2x Plant Fiber
1x Clover Leaf
Lean-To Can be used as a Respawn Point and can be used to sleep to bypass the night time 3x Clover Leaf
2x Sprig
Storage Basket Can hold up to 20 stacks of items 4x Clover Leaf
3x Woven Fiber
Plank Pallet A platform where grass planks can be stacked for future use 4x Woven Fiber
5x Pebblet
3x Dry Grass Chunk
Log Pallet A platform where logs can be stacked for future use 4x Woven Fiber
2x Pebblet
3x Dry Grass Chunk
4x Sprig
Workbench Allows you to craft items that require a workbench such as armors and weapons 3x Grass Plank
4x Sprig
2x Sap


This section of the guide lists all of the items that come in the Décor section.

Item Crafting Ingredients Use
Plant Lamp 2x Sprig Stationary Light Source that illuminates the area around itself
3x Sap
2x Dry Grass Chunk
Sconce 1x Sap Wall mounted torch
3x Dry Grass Chunk
2x Sprig
Chair 5x Sprig Common decorative item with no real use
1x Grass Plank
4x Woven Fiber
2x Ant Part
Slime Mold Sconce 1x Slime Mold Stalk Glowy slime mold stalk for décor on your walls
2x Woven Fiber


This guide is a work-in-progress and we will continue to add more recipes to this guide as we find them in the game. If you have a recipe for us, please share it in the comments section below and we will add it to the guide above.

Check out additional guides below:

This concludes our Grounded Crafting Recipes Guide. Post your comments below

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.


  1. you are missing a BUNCH of resources you can find and just as many recipes. You probably have half of everything listed. —
    Ant Eggs(for bombs)/[from Spiders: Venom, spider chunks, fangs(wolf spiders), spidersilk(orb weavers, but can also be gathered from webs)]/Berries(berry leather)/Ladybug parts,head(Ladybug armor = most defense of any armor in game so far)…spider armor, insect bow, spiter fang dagger, decaying bee armor….
    The list goes on…
    You really should explore the rest of the map.. theres a whole lot more than what I listed.
    Fyi, you didn’t even include the tier 2(upgraded ) craftables.

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