Halo Infinite Armor Guide – Armor Cores, How to Get All Armor

Halo Infinite Armor Guide

This Halo Infinite Armor Cores Guide will show you what Armor items you can unlock, which includes Armor Cores and armor parts. Armor Cores are sets that contain armor components. Armor items like Helmets, pads and other items are part of their main Armor Core.

Halo Infinite Armor Guide

Below we have detailed all the Armor items, including Armor Cores and Kits, and how you can unlock them.

Armor Cores

Armor Core How to Get
Mark VII Unlocked by default and you will get it in the beginning as your primary armor core
Mark V (B) This armor core is unlocked in the Heroes of Reach battle pass.
Yoroi This armor core can be unlocked by playing the Tenrai Fracture in Season 1.


Armor Kit How to Get
Aviator Battle Pass Tier 1
Beltane TBA
Capaxx Unlocked by default as part of the Mark VII armor core
Cavallino Unlocked by default as part of the Mark VII armor core
Dragoon Battle Pass Tier 27
Enigma Available from the store
Enlisted Unlocked by default as part of the Mark VII armor core
Goblin Battle Pass Tier 9
MAT-2550 Grenade Pack Battle Pass Tier 9
MEdaux Type II Battle Pass Tier 24
Medaux Unit Type 1 Battle Pass Tier 17
Phalanx Battle Pass Tier 14
Rampant Battle Pass Tier 3
Trailblazer Battle Pass Tier 25
UA Agathius (left) Battle Pass Tier 5
UA Agathius (right) Battle Pass Tier 4
UA Alair (left) Battle Pass Tier 18
UA Alair (right) Battle Pass Tier 17
UA ENAV Beacon Battle Pass Tier 30
UA M550D Halfplate Battle Pass Tier 23
UA M557 Jackplate Battle Pass Tier 13
UA Relikt Cuirass Battle Pass Tier 8
UA Type II-A1 Buckler Battle Pass Tier 10
UA Type RG Battle Pass Tier 22
UA Type SA Default kit of Mark VII armor core
UA Type SP Battle Pass Tier 28
UA Viator (left) TBA
UA Viator (right) TBA
UA Vitus (left) Unlock Left Shoulder of Mark VII armor core
UA Vitus (right) Unlock Right Shoulder of Mark VII armor core
Util ENAV Beacon Battle Pass Tier 23
Util Khilpk Cooling TBA
Vandal Battle Pass Tier 19
Zvesda TBA

This concludes our Halo Infinite Armor Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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