Halo Infinite Campaign UNSC Audio Logs Locations Guide – Where to Find

Halo Infinite Campaign UNSC Audio Logs Locations Guide

One of the main collectible sin Halo Infinite Campaign are the Audio Logs, which are the UNSC Audio Logs, Banished Audio Logs and Spartan Audio Logs. This Halo Infinite Campaign UNSC Audio Logs Locations Guide will show you where you can find all the UNSC Audio Logs in the game.

Audio Logs send out an audible beeping sound, indicating to the player of they are close to them. Their locations can further be highlighted by scanning the nearby area when you first hear the beeping sound, as this will highlight their exact location.

Halo Infinite Campaign UNSC Audio Logs Locations Guide

Below we have detailed all the UNSC Audio Log collectible locations.

The Prisoner

UNSC Audio Log Location
Not My Fault At the end of the Foundation mission, you will need to look for a Power Seed. The audio log will be next to the Power Seed
What Was Inside Just after you get the Threat Sensor ability, go right and climb up to the second floor of The Tower. Follow the path on the left and you will find start hearing the audio log beep.
She Was Smiling In the Excavation Site Mission when you have access to the mining drill, go to the west of this area where you will find UNSC gear and the audio log
Easy To Break Northwest from the Spire, head towards the abandoned and wrecked Warthog
Barely Anything Left In the Nexus mission when you get control of the Command Spire, you will need to find power seeds and one of the paths will take you straight to the audio log
Price Paid When you learn about Weapon’s origin, head into the door on the left after fighting the Brutes
42410-02214-LB In the House of Reckoning and then head to the Banished training room

Outpost Intel

UNSC Audio Log Location
To Andrews Valleros From the Ransom Keep head south towards the river and you will find it near the rubble
Making Ends Meet South from Ransom Keeps on the mountains where you will find it next to UNSC items on a crate
Escape Plan North from Redoubt of Sundering, head to the tunnel protected by Grunts. Head inside and you will find it just before the path turns to the right
Last Ditch Effort North from Redoubt of Sundering, grapple up on the mountains
The Ally Northeast from Forge of Teash is a mountain where a path to the top takes you to a stone pillar. This will take you to a cave with light coming out from inside. Inside is a UNSC hideout with the audio log
Digging Deeper On the hill southwest from Forge of Teash will be an overlook point looking at the forge. You will find the audio log here at a camp spot.
Nowhere to Hide Southeast form Horn of Abolition, near the UNSC items on the ledge
They Are Listening Northeast from Horn of Abolition, you will find a tree with rocks under it. The audio log can be found here
Miscommunications Northeast from Amory of Reckoning, head to the Banished Outpost Intel 01. On the path to the outpost is a destroyed pod with the audio log
No Entry Northwest from the Armory of Reckoning you will find a Banished building with the rock overhanging. Just under the rock is a Warthog with the audio log
Trench Warfare North of Riven Gate is a small camp that you can grapple up to on the ledge
Convalescence East from Riven Gate, climb the mountains to reach the sniper spot with the audio log
A Hastily Assembled Plan Southwest from Annex Ridge will be several metal spires. You can find the audio log next to a box of grenades, close to the Banished structure
Hitching a Ride Northeast of Annex Ridge towards the metal spires where you will find the audio log

Infinity’s Approach

UNSC Audio Log Location
Preparations After capturing and securing FOB Golf, go left and you will find the audio log
Captain’s Report After capturing FOB Foxtrot, go to the right from the terminal
Duty Clearance In the Excavation Site mission, go left from the main terminal of FOB Echo
Arrival Right from the terminal of FOB Charlie
Zero Hour Right of the capture terminal of FOB Bravo
Ingress South from FOB Alpha, from the place you can call vehicles, turn left and you will find the audio log
Objectives Right from the terminal of FOB Delta
Losing Ground In the Pelican Down mission, turn around after capturing FOB November
Taurus Go left after capturing FOB Lima
Priorities From the FOB Kilo platform, go northeast after capturing this base to the right
Egress Go to the right after capturing FOB Juliet
Abandon Ship You will find this right after you capture FOB Hotel. right in front of you.

For more help with the game, check out our guides linked below:

This concludes our Halo Infinite Campaign UNSC Audio Logs Locations Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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