Hardcore Retro Shooter Bloodhound Arrives on PlayStation

Bloodhound PlayStation

Bloodhound, the hardcore shooter known for its intense and brutal retro-style gameplay, has officially launched on PlayStation consoles. Drawing inspiration from classic shooters like Doom, Quake, and Painkiller, as well as apocalyptic themes, Bloodhound brings a nostalgic yet fresh experience to both PS4 and PS5. Following its debut on PC, the game is set to release on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S in August this year.

Developed by the independent Polish studio Kruger & Flint Productions, Bloodhound immerses you in a first-person shooter experience where you play as a member of a secret faction of the Templar order. Your mission is to thwart the demonic cult of Astaroth, plunging you into a world of chaos and destruction. The gameplay harks back to the frenetic pace and high brutality of classic shooters, ensuring a thrilling and relentless experience.

Check out the gameplay trailer for the game below to see the carnage in action:

The PC version of Bloodhound debuted in July 2023 and has since received a free expansion titled “Juicy Retro Style!” This update transformed the game into a pixel-boomer shooter, enhancing the gunplay and adding new story elements. The PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions include this expansion, offering an enriched gameplay experience from the start.

Bloodhound boasts several main features that set it apart:

  • Intense and Bloody Gameplay: Expect fast-paced action filled with blood and gore, staying true to the hardcore shooter genre.
  • Diverse Enemies: Face off against 16 types of enemies and five formidable bosses, each presenting unique challenges.
  • Varied Gameplay Modes: The game offers different modes to keep the experience fresh and engaging.
  • Arsenal of Weapons: Utilize a satisfying array of 10 weapons to decimate your foes.
  • Energetic Soundtrack: The heavy metal music by Sons of Amon adds an extra layer of intensity to the gameplay.

Bloodhound’s launch on PS4 and PS5 marks a significant milestone for Kruger & Flint Productions. You can head over to the PSN store right now to either add the game to your wishlist or jump into the game. The game’s successful reception on PC, coupled with the addition of the “Juicy Retro Style!” expansion, sets high expectations for its performance on consoles. The game’s August release on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S is highly anticipated, promising to broaden its audience even further.

Bloodhound PlayStation

With its blend of classic shooter elements and modern enhancements, Bloodhound is set to provide an exhilarating experience for fans of the genre. Whether you’re a veteran of old-school shooters or new to the intense world of Bloodhound, this game promises to deliver a brutal and satisfying adventure. The game started a Kickstarter campaign back in April 2022.

Are you looking forward to playing Bloodhound on PlayStation? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Mark Stuart

With a passion for action-adventure games rivaled only by their dedication to sharing the latest gaming news, Mark Stuart has been a prominent voice in the gaming community for the past three years. Their journey into the world of video game journalism began with an insatiable curiosity for exploring virtual realms and unraveling epic narratives.

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