Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil Walkthrough Guide – Points of Interest, Disguises

Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil Walkthrough Guide

In this Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil Walkthrough Guide, we will show you how to complete the sixth and final mission of the game. In this mission, you find Agent 47 in a remote island somewhere in North Atlantic, where the global elite are being hosted by The Ark Society.

This mission is where things get interesting as you will see followers performing cultist rituals, and meetings between the big players of the world that decide the fate of the world. Among all this, you will find yourself as a lowly guest at the event.

In this mission, you have to take down two targets, Zoe and Sophia Washington, who are two sisters in the Providence organization. You can also complete an alternative objective, and that is to extract the Constant, who is the current leader of the Providence.

The Isle of Sgàil is an ancient castle that the Ark Society has converted as a base or headquarters of their own. It has multiple floors and full of guards. To be inside and to roam around freely, you will have to rely on many disguises to make things easier for yourself.

While you are in the castle, you will find Zoe and Sophia in various places, giving you many opportunities to kill them.

Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil walkthrough Guide

Below, we will list all the items that you can find in this area, the points of interest that you can explore and to chose the best way to kill Zoe and Sophia Washington. We will highlight everything related to this mission so that you can chose whichever method you prefer the best to assassinate the targets.

Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil – Points of Interest

Lower Courtyard
From the starting point at the pier, you can see this large courtyard where a main crowd is gathered here watch Zoe’s ceremony. Here is where you can watch the ceremony, and take a drink while you wait.

Upper Courtyard
This is the place where Zoe fiery rebirth ceremony will be hosted. The place will be holding a large Wicker Man statue. Here you can sneak around the back of the statue to tinker with the statue’s safety hatch.

Stronghold Showroom
this area is on the left side opposite to the stage in the lower courtyard. The showroom is for one of the cult’s apocalypse bunkers. Here you can take the tour of the bunker for a commemorative coin.

Patron’s Lounge
On the right side opposite to the stage in the lower courtyard is the patron’s lounge where a small group of guests are chatting about.

This is a section of the castle that is off limits, but can be bypassed by getting the right disguise.

This is the area that comes after the VIP area in the upper courtyard. The gallery will show some of the Society’s rarest arts and relics.

Architects Lounge
As you go deeper into the castle, you will find an exclusive lounge for the most esteemed members of the organization. Here you can find Sophie walking in this area occasionally.

Right at the top of the castle is a glass penthouse of the Washington sisters.

this is where the elusive members of the Ark Society council meet. There is a table where they sit in a circle, drink champagne and decide the fate of the world. This is a tough place to be in especially without a disguise.

Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil – Disguises

this disguise can be taken from a pair of custodians that are working below the giant effigy in the upper courtyard. Sneak into their room, and you can distract one by turning off the generator to subdue them both. Then you can take their disguise and hide the bodies in the nearby container.

This disguise can be taken by the lower courtyard where many of these initiates will be roaming around.

Master of Ceremonies
This disguise can be taken from the Chapel. Once you enter, steal his schedule that is on the table, and wait for him when he tries to find it. Once he is in a quiet spot, take him down and his disguise.

Event Staff
This disguise can be taken from the second floor of the Memorial Room. Where to the right of the gallery you will find an event member guarding a innocuous door. Lure him by activating the hoover and steal his uniform.

Ark Member
there are many of these in the area, which is why this is the easiest of the disguise to take. In the VIP area, above the upper courtyard, you will find one alone right in front of the container, where you can hide his body after stealing his disguise.

Castle Staff
up ahead from where you stole the Event Staff, disguise will be a beam that you can climb to the floor above. Deactivate the fuse box on the higher balcony which will make a castle staff to come out and investigate. Subdue them and take the disguise, and turn the fuses back on.

Jebediah Block
You can find him on the roof of the armory. You will have to distract the guard with the generator as Jebediah moves away from his wine glass. Slip some poison in the glass and move back to cover. When he takes a drink, he will go the edge of the roof and throw up, this is where you can subdue him and take the disguise.

Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil – Items

This can be found in the corner of the lower level of the Chapel. There will be two guards patrolling, and it can be found in a hole in the wall.

Rat Poison
You can find this under the effigy in the custodian’s control room, or you can find one on the table in the VIP lounge.

Castle Master Key
you can find the key in the Penthouse, sitting on the table.

Aztec Necklace
This can be found in the centre of the Gallery under very security. You need to deactivate the alarms, clear the room and break through the glass case to get it out.

The sisters hold one of these detonators from the tiny bomb inside The Constant. If you kill either of the sisters, they will drop it and you can use it to encourage him to follow you off the island.

Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil – How to Kill Zoe and Sophia Washington

You can kill Zoe near the effigy part where the ceremony is taking place. Below is the trap door for her escape from the fire. You can sabotage it and allow her to burn in the fire instead of making it alive.

If you steal an Aztec necklace from the gallery of the castle, you can show it off to Sophie who will like to take a closer look. Put the necklace around her neck and strangle her. Then throw her body from the castle into the ocean, making it look like a tumble.

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This concludes our Hitman 2 Isle of Sgàil Walkthrough Guide. Feel free to comment below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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