How to Defeat Blackhole in No More Heroes 3

How to Defeat Blackhole in No More Heroes 3

This guide will show you how to defeat Mr. Blackhole in No More Heroes 3, who is the number 10 ranking boss in the Galactic Ranking and is the first boss you will be facing in the game.

The fight with Mr. Blackhole is not that tough but comes as an introductory boss battle that teaches you the importance of dodging attacks and how to learn combat movement.

How to Defeat Blackhole in No More Heroes 3

The boss battle with Mr. Blackhole proceeds in three phases. In the first phase, the boss will throw a variety of attacks at you, giving you a good taste of what is to come. Mr. Blackhole will show his ability to move around and reappear with strong hits using his portals. These attacks can be sidestepped but work more in your favor if you perfectly dodge them and counter them.

The second main attack is the black hole and the blue beams that shoot out. This attack continues for a small period, forcing you to dodge the blue beams while the boss circles around. The attack ends when the boss slams back on the ground, sending out an area of effect attack. Your focus in this attack should be to dodge and blue beams and wait for the boss to slam on the ground. This is because it opens up a window where the boss is vulnerable to your attacks.

In the second phase, Mr. Blackhole will produce many black holes all around the battle area, where if you get caught in them will deal you significant damage. This is the only new attack in this phase while the previous attacks from the first stage carry over.

As you keep damaging the boss, the final phase of the battle will begin when Travis gets in his Henshin form, using robot armor. Your task is pretty simple here, which is to first lock on targets on the boss and the black holes, and then summon the Megadeth Particle Cannon attack on the boss.

That’s how to defeat Mr. Blackhole in No More Heroes 3. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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