This Loop Hero Lich Boss Guide will show you how you can defeat Lich, who is one of the bosses in the game. We will show you how you can increase your chances of winning the battle and how to prepare yourself for it.
Loop Hero Lich Boss Guide
Below we have detailed how to beat Lich, the first boss in the game.
How to Beat Lich
Lich needs to be summoned in order to start the battle. This can be done by filling up the boss meter on the top left of your screen, indicating how close you are to spawn the boss for the battle. When the boss meter is filled to the max, Lich will be summoned, allowing you to choose whether you want to fight or abandon it for another time.
Lich will be a tough boss to beat, especially if you are under-prepared for the battle. The first thing you need to do is to lower the boss’ health when it appears for the battle. This can be done by reducing the Palaces he builds around your camp. The lesser the Palaces, the weaker the boss will be in the battle. In addition, you can also destroy the Palaces by using Oblivion cards.
Another thing you will need is to have the healing Potions unlocked for yourself by building the Herbalist’s Hut at the Camp. This ensures that you are given two Potions at the start of each loop and giving you two more at the end of the loop. Access to Potions means that you have a high survivability chance in the boss battles, as the potions are used to regenerate your health.
Read more Loop Hero Guides:
This concludes our Loop Hero Lich Boss Guide. Post your comments below.