Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2 Releasing in America in 2019

Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2

Bandai Namco has announced that it has planned to release Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2 for America in 2019. The announcement was made during the Anime Expo 2019 at Bandai’s Play Anime panel.

The game is a free to play team battle action game that was released last year in Japan for the PlayStation 4. Players in America can be able to play the 6v6 shooter exclusively on the Ps4 sometime later this year.


The game is a follow up after the popular game for PlayStation 3 that was released in Japan. However, all service of the game shut down back in 2017. Bringing the title to the western audience will boost the interest in the title, as Bandai Namco plans to bring more Gundams, customization options, events and stages after the launch in America.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2 lets players around the globe join in for a six-versus-six team online battles. It features the critically acclaimed land combat like its predecessor and turns it up a notch by adding all new space battles.

There are also ways you get new Gundams and customize to your liking. The game allows you to spend your hard earned DP to develop Mobile Suits after a battle or spend tokens for attempts at the lottery that can award you more powerful Mobile Suits. You can also enhance your favorite Mobile Suits through customization.

The game also features a base camp where players can interact with each other from around the world in this online lobby. You can also interact with an assortment of battle comrades that cross your path.

The developers of the game add that the game is still developing on a daily basis, as it keeps on adding new Mobile Suits, stages, and costumes for players to get, while also featuring regular events.

What do you think of Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2? Are you going to get the game? Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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