Monster Hunter World: Iceborn Endgame Guide – Guiding Lands, How to Access

Monster Hunter World: Iceborn Endgame Guide

In this Monster Hunter World: Iceborn Endgame Guide, we will guide you the endgame content of the new expansion Iceborn for Monster Hunter: World. Iceborn was released just recently for Monster Hunter: World and brings with it a brand new icy covered region for the already massive game along with a new story and massive, new monsters for you to find and slay. However, just like the original game, one of the best aspects of Monster Hunter: World is its endgame.

We have curated this detailed Monster Hunter World: Iceborn Endgame Guide in which we have detailed everything that you can do after beating the main story of the Iceborn expansion. Similar to the original game, you get access to tons of new content once you have beaten the main story of Iceborn. After beating the main game, you get access to the Guiding Lands which basically is the endgame of Monster Hunter World: Iceborn.

Endgame Guide – Monster Hunter World: Iceborn

Our Monster Hunter World: Iceborn Endgame Guide details everything that you need to know about Endgame in Monster Hunter World: Iceborn.

How to Access Guiding Lands

Guiding Lands is essentially a brand new region which serves as the endgame for Monster Hunter World: Iceborn. It will introduce you to brand new monsters and exclusive crafting materials which you can use to upgrade your best weapons and add augmentations to them as well to make them even better in the game. However, unlocking Guiding Lands should be the least of your worries because it is the easiest part of the whole process.

To unlock the Guiding Lands, all you need to do is complete the main story of Monster Hunter World: Iceborn. Once the main story is complete, wait for the credits to complete and then head to Seliana. There, you must speak with the Field Team Leader and play the remaining scenes when ultimately you will land in the Guiding Lands instead. Once you are in control, inspect the ‘Signs of a Turf War’ ahead and then keep following your Handler.

Eventually, you will set up camp and then move to Area where another cutscene will play out where you will see Rathalos, Diablos, and Zinogre duking it out to claim the turf as their own. Once you are back in control, end the Expedition from the main menu and you will arrive back in Seliana. Now you have access to Guiding Lands and you can start regular Expeditions to hunt new monsters or simply finding new materials for upgrades.

Guiding Lands Biomes

In Guiding Lands, there are four unique biomes. There’s Forest Region, Rotted Region, Wildspire Region, and Coral Region. Each region comes with its own level which when increased to a certain level will give you access to more dangerous and advanced monsters which in return will give you better and rarer resources.

You can increase the level of each region by different methods which include picking up monster tracks, breaking monster parts, capturing or killing monsters and even trapping monsters. You cannot increase and maintain the level for all times. If you increase the level of one region, the level of other regions will decrease which means that you will need to strategically work around it and focus on the regions that you want to level up to make a certain tainted or Elder Dragons to spawn.

You cannot simply keep on increasing the levels of the regions as well because the game puts a level cap on each of the regions in the game. You can only level up your regions to level 4 at the start. To further increase the levels of your regions, you must reach a certain Master Rank first and then complete a special quest. For Region Level 5, reach Master Level 49 and complete the quest Sleep Now in the Fire.

For Region Level 6, reach Master Level 69 and complete the quest Big Burly Bash and for Region Level 7, reach Master Level 99 and complete the quest To The Very Ends With You. Level 7 is the maximum level that you upgrade your regions to and get access to the toughest of the monsters that the game can throw at you.

As you level up the region, more special monsters will start to spawn in that region. At level 4, the region will begin to spawn Tempered Monsters. Level 5 regions will spawn Elder Dragons. Level 6 regions will spawn both Tempered Monsters and Elder Dragons. Taking the level all the way to Level 7 will spawn Tempered Elder Dragons offering the biggest challenge ever seen in the game.

Guiding Lands Resources

Two main resources of the Guiding Lands are Bonepiles and Mining Outcrops. You get a separate progress bar for each of these two resources and more you collect one resource, higher your progress bar for that certain resource will be. Increasing the progress bars is very important because higher bars will yield more resources from the resource sites that you plunder in the Guiding Lands.

For obtaining the rarest and the most unique resource of a region, max out the progress bar of a resource and look for the special gathering point which will have an exclamation mark next to it. Go there and collect the unique resource. Once done, the progress bar will be reset and you will need to fill it again to get more unique and rare resources in the future. Keep collecting the resources and once the bar is full, find the special resource and collect it. Rinse and repeat.

Guiding Lands Monsters

Apart from the normal monsters found in the normal regions, the Guiding Lands also comes with some special and unique monsters that do not spawn anywhere else. We have detailed the exclusive monsters that spawn in the Guiding Lands in the table below.

Monster How to Spawn
Brute Tigrex Spawns in Rotted Region when it reaches Level 6.
Gold Rathian Spawns in the Wildspire Region when it reaches level 6.
Scarred Yian Garuga Spawns in the Forest Region when it reaches level 6.
Silver Rathalos Spawns in the Coral Region when it reaches level 6
Yian Garuga Spawns in the Forest Region when it reaches Level 3 and you complete the quest ‘Return of the Crazy One’
Zinogre Spawns during the introduction of the Guiding Lands

Make sure that you check out more Monster Hunter World: Iceborn Monsters Guide to see more about each monster in detail and how to slay them and collect new items.

This concludes our Monster Hunter World: Iceborn Endgame Guide. If you want to add anything this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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