Mortal Kombat is known for sexy female character designs but that would change in Mortal Kombat 11. Art director on the game Steve Beran talked about how the team is approaching female character design in Mortal Kombat 11 and the following is what he had to say regarding the matter:
Our character lead, Brendan George, has been a breath of fresh air of just introducing new ideas. Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items.
This is something that will disappoint some fans and this is something that the devs understand. He mentioned that this is the right choice for the game and that the team is going to stick with it. Feminists are very touchy when it comes to such things and you can imagine why developers are not taking every small detail into consideration. Games are out under a microscope and people just want to create issues out of nothing. He went on to mention the following:
I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.
NetherRealm Studios has already revealed that the story mode will be 8 hours long and that plenty of cools stuff will be coming to the game after launch. Recently the reveal trailer of Noob Saibot was also shown off.
Let us know what you think about Mortal Kombat 11 female character design and whether or not you are interested in playing the game when it comes out.
I agree with the other comments, these changes are garbage. The women look like boys half the time and ugly and frumpy as hell. We need to get the woke people out of the video game industry. The first time I saw Kitana in 11, I laughed at her ridiculously uninspiring she looked. Average thin treadmill girl at best. No muscles, no definition. These are supposed to be great fighters right? And yet they appear to have never trained in any physical sense of the word.
Meh. I agree to a degree. They have toned the women down a ton, not so much them men. It is really less that than another factor though. They are all the same person with a different head. No variation in body style at all.
I will not buy this MK 11
Most of the male characters on the Mortal Kombat 11 roster have some sort of shirtless variation to hone in on the sex appeal, and they are still plenty buff and quite ripped .Each of the men seem to have a shirtless or chest-baring alt, but in the outfits for all the women, they completely forgo any sort of cleavage. Now the outfit of the females are burkas all the female characters are all covered up from head-to-toe, all they are inatractive.
What happens whit the classical outfits of the women?
Is that damned and toxic agenda that all are talking? Mortal Kombat woke? Now is BURKA`S KOMBAT?
Definitely I will not buy this MK. BURKA KOMBAT or CENSORSHIP KOMBAT
Most of the male characters on the Mortal Kombat 11 roster have some sort of shirtless variation to hone in on the sex appeal, and they are still plenty buff and quite ripped .Each of the men seem to have a shirtless or chest-baring alt, but in the outfits for all the women, they completely forgo any sort of cleavage. Now the outfit of the females are burkas all the female characters are all covered up from head-to-toe, all they are awful.
What happens whit the classical outfits of the women?, what happens whit MK9 outfits?
Is that damned and toxic agenda that all are talking? Mortal Kombat woke? Now is BURKA KOMBAT or CENSORSHIP KOMBAT?
The art Director, Steve Beran , definetly must be fired. He done a very bad job, all the females are awful.
Feminism is a fucking gangrene.
What happens whit these guys of the Netherrealm, Are they mads?
I will not buy this bulshit.
Your opinion is quite frankly, shit
The studio changed it to add more sexy girls. Guess your opinion is shit.