Enslave Your Foes in the New Land of the Vikings Thralls DLC

Land of the Vikings Thralls

Developer Laps Games and Publisher Iceberg Interactive have announced the release of Thralls, a new paid DLC for the popular Viking city builder, Land of the Vikings. In Viking society, thralls were captives used for labor, playing a crucial role in enhancing a settlement’s strength and operations. This DLC introduces the Thrall Management System, adding late-game features like expanded raiding options, a dedicated thrall management building, and new events for your Viking settlement.

In Land of the Vikings, players take on the role of a Jarl, responsible for building and managing a thriving Viking settlement amidst icy Nordic landscapes. The game emphasizes strategic management, requiring players to overcome various obstacles and threats to secure their settlement’s future. Jarls must effectively manage resources, skills, and the unique abilities of each Viking to ensure their community can withstand harsh weather and disasters. Players can trade, raid, and plunder neighboring villages while designing their settlements to their heart’s content.

Land of the Vikings Thralls

The newly introduced Thrall Management System adds a fresh layer of strategic depth to the game. As you venture into new lands and capture enemies, you can turn them into thralls, assigning them to various tasks within your settlements. These tasks include mining, food production, weaving, and crafting battle armor. Managing the happiness of your thralls is crucial to prevent revolts, and the new Thrall Management Houses provide a place to oversee their labor. This feature mirrors the historical role of thralls in Viking society, where captives were integrated into communities as laborers, significantly contributing to the settlement’s prosperity.

The Thralls DLC also brings new events and personal stories involving your thralls. Players will craft strategies to maximize thralls’ happiness and productivity, watching as their individual narratives unfold within the settlement. These new events provide a richer, more immersive experience, reflecting the complex relationships between Jarls and their thralls.

Land of the Vikings Thralls

Land of the Vikings’ Thralls DLC is now available on Steam for $4.99 with a 10% launch discount for the first two weeks. If you want to try it out before buying it, you can download and try the game out with a free demo as well. This exciting addition to the game offers players the chance to delve deeper into Viking society and expand their strategic options as they build their legendary settlements.


What are your thoughts on the new Thralls DLC released for Land of the Vikings? Will you be trying it out? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Mark Stuart

With a passion for action-adventure games rivaled only by their dedication to sharing the latest gaming news, Mark Stuart has been a prominent voice in the gaming community for the past three years. Their journey into the world of video game journalism began with an insatiable curiosity for exploring virtual realms and unraveling epic narratives.

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