SNK has released a new teaser trailer for Samurai Shodown just before Tokyo Game show event. Also known as Samurai Spirits in Japan, it looks to be a revival of the Samurai Shodown series as it comes to the PlayStation 4 in 2019.
However, there are not many details about the game other than it is being created by using Epic’s Unreal Engine and has very colorful visual style. The game focuses on a combat style with weaponry as iconic characters like Haohmar and Nakoruru are set to make a comeback.
The teaser trailer that was released also sets up the story of the game, which is set back in the days of 1787 in the 7th year of Tenmei era. Matsudaira Sadanobu, appointed as the counsel to the shogun is given a task of ushering new age of reform with the Kanei era. However, the land remains beset by fire, ruin and famine all while a sinister cloud darkens the air with a foreboding sense of dread.
The last title in the series cam almost 10 years ago on the Xbox 260 called Samurai Shodown: Sen. So for avid fans, this is been a long time waiting to play their beloved sword fighting game. Many fighting game enthusiasts have linked the game to the style of Tekken and Street Fighter.
While you wait for Samurai Spirits, this genre of fighting games is bringing a lot of games in the following months like the new content for Street Fighter V and Tekken 7. In addition, Dragon Ball FighterZ has also been a fresh inclusion in the genre of the game this year as it looks to be a tag based game like Marvel Vs. Capcom.
SNK has not revealed any information about the release date of Samurai Spirits, although emphasized that it would b coming out in 2019. The game is expected to come out for Playstation 4 as no other information was given if it will come out on other consoles or not.
What do you think of the new title in the series of Samurai Shodown? Let Us know in the comments below.