Northgard Developer Announces 4X RTS Dune: Spice Wars

Dune: Spice Wars Roadmap

Funcom and developer Shiro Games, the studio behind Northgard, have announced their brand-new title Dune: Spice Wars based on Frank Herbert’s Dune. The game is slated for release in Steam Early Access in 2022 and will first release on PC. The title was announced during The Game Awards 2021 and received a pretty cool trailer as well. Check it out below:

Dune: Spice Wars will feature multiple playable factions and each faction will have its own strengths and weaknesses. You will have various ways to achieve your goal in the game which is to control the spice on Arrakis. You will have various abilities at your hand such as deploying agents to sabotage, assassinate and spy on your enemies, using political means to influence the Landsraad and pass beneficial resolutions, and much more.

Dune: Spice Wars

Dune: Spice Wars will release in Early Access first during which the developers want to seek feedback from the community to continuously improve and expand the game. Dune: Spice Wars is also the first based on the Dune IP to be published by Funcom and the publisher has explained that this is not the open-world project that they are currently working on. Shiro Games’ CEO Sebastien Vidal commented:

I think I speak for every single person at Shiro Games, when I say that we are all massive fans of Dune – both of the original novel and the new and spectacular Denis Villeneuve film. To be able to bring this universe to life as a strategy game again is incredible.

The Dune universe is the perfect setting for a strategy game. You have major factions, such as House Atreides and House Harkonnen, with a rivalry that spans back centuries. You have political intrigue, deception, and warfare, all centered around what is by far the most valuable substance in the universe: Spice. And then there is the stage itself, Arrakis, a hostile planet full of hidden wonders to explore. Massive sandworms that can devour entire armies, sandstorms, spice harvesters, all of which our amazing team of developers have incorporated into this game

Additional details about Dune: Spice Wars will be announced at a later stage. If you played the original Dune titles then this title will spark your interest so keep checking back for additional updates about the title.

Are you looking forward to playing Dune: Spice Wars when it comes out? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Way of the Hunter.

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