Apart from the main quest, you will also find plenty of side quests in Ori and the Will of the Wisps that you can complete for many NPCs in the game. These side quests not only provide a good distraction from the main quest of the game but some of them also give you really cool rewards and bonuses for your trouble. We have curated this Ori and the Will of the Wisps Side Quests Guide in which we have detailed all side quests that you can find and complete in Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
Side Quests Guide – Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Our Ori and the Will of the Wisps Side Quests Guide details everything that you need to know about side quests in Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
A Diamond in the Rough
A Diamond in the Rough side quest can be found in the Windswept Wastes. This side quest requires you to find the eerie gem which then later unlocks the Secret Spirit Shard for you. The Secret Spirit Shard allows you to detect secret walls when you are near them.
To begin the quest, simply speak with Tokk who will task you with finding the ‘Eerie Gem’. You must have the borrow ability for this side quest. Head deeper into the Windswept Wastes and you will come to a location in the middle which has a spade dug into the ground. Use burrow here to dig and you will get the gem.
Once you have the gem, make your way to Wellspring Glades where you will find Twillen. Speak with Twillen and show him the gem which will complete the side quest and reward you with the Secret Spirit Shard which is really useful if you are trying to find all the hidden items in the game.
A Little Braver
A Little Braver is found in Inkwater Marsh however it only spawns after you have defeated the Howler. Once Howler is out of the question, you can then speak with Moki who will task you with finding a Howl Fang dropped by the Howler during the battle. After accepting the side quest, continue to the right in the same area and you will come to a secluded area with some platforms you can jump to. Keep heading right using the platforms and you will find the Howl Fang. Return back to Moki to complete the side quest and earn your reward.
Family Reunion
This side quest is found in Wellspring Glades. Speak with Moki who is this time located on the west side of Grom. Moki will ask you to speak with Grom and tell him to build a house for Moki and his family. You will need to spend around 4 Gorlek Ore to repair the dwellings before you can get the key to the house. Once done, head to the house and use the key to open it.
Hand to Hand
This is a pretty long side quest but once completed, all secrets will be visible on your map. Speak with the NPC quest giver in the Kwolok’s Hollow and then continue to follow the instructions. You will need to drop and pick up a few items here and there. The locations will be marked on the map so simply keep following them until you complete the side quest. Once done, you will have all the secrets marked on your map.
Into the Burrows
This side quest is found in Inkwater Marsh. This side-quest appears for you a little later in the game so keep playing the main story until you have access to this side quest. In the lower Inkwater Marsh on the left side of the map, you will find Tokk. Speak with him and he will ask you to find an artifact for him. To find the artifact, head to the Midnight Burrows and you will find the artifact in fourth area of Midnight Burrows. Open the keystone door and get the item.
Into The Darkness
This side quest is found in Wellspring Glades. In the area, located on the lower left of the top warp tower, you will find a Moki. Before you speak with Moki, make sure that you’ve had all the bushes removed in the Wellspring Glades. Have the entrance cleared by paying to the leader and you will be able to enter the cave. Make sure that you have Flash equipped before you enter the cave. The Acorn is sitting in the right corner of the caves near the glowing mushrooms.
Kwolok’s Wisdom
In Luma Pools, you will come across a Miko who will ask you to seek Kwolok for some advice. Make sure that you have completed Luma Pools before proceeding any further with the side quest. Once done, return to the Miko and get the amulet from him. Now go to the Altar of Kwolok and place the amulet there.
Rebuilding the Glades
Grom in the Wellspring Glades will ask you to deliver Golrek Ore so that he can build and restore the beauty of the Glade. We have a separate guide for all the locations of Golrek Ore.(Pending)
Regrowing the Glade
This is another one of Glade’s quest where you have to find six Mysterious Seeds. We have a separate guide for this too so you can check it out for the location of all Tree Seeds.
The Lost Compass
Speak with Tokk in the main room of The Wellspring to begin this side quest. He will ask you to find a compass for him. To find the Compass, head to the door marked by Tokk and solve the puzzle inside the room to get the item.
The Silent Map
This side quest is found in Wellspring Glades however you must ensure that the water is safe to swim before you get this side quest. When you can swim in the water, use the services of Gorlek to remove all vines in the area. Then swim down to the caves and visit the house there to follow the side quest.
The Tree Keeper
The True Keeper is found in Silent Woods. Speak with Kii there and get the Lifeless Branch to take it to the Healer of Nature. You can continue to play the game normally and when you meet with Tuley, give him the branch and then take it back to the Tree Keeper. In return, you will get a Tree Seed.
These are all the side quests that you can find and complete in Ori and the Will of the Wisps. If you need more help with the game, you can check out more guides below.
- Abilities Guide
- Fast Travel Guide
- Mysterious Seeds Guide
- Puzzles Guide
This concludes our Ori and the Will of the Wisps Side Quests Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.