In this Planet Zoo Guests Guide, we will guide you on how you can make your guests happy in Planet Zoo. Planet Zoo is all about building the best possible zoo out there and the Franchise Mode is particularly tough in the game however no zoo can survive for long if the guests and visitors are not happy. The only way to make your zoo profitable is to ensure that your guests come happy, stay happy and leave your zoo happy at the end of the day.
Happy guests will gladly spend more money at your zoo. The higher their happiness remains while they are at your zoo, the longer the guests and visitors remain at your zoo and spend money. This is extremely beneficial for you in the end however it goes without saying that you cannot expect to make your guests happy without spending money. However, you must spend your money where it really matters and all of this is explained in this guide below.
Guests Guide – Planet Zoo
Our Planet Zoo Guests Guide details everything that you need to know about making your guests and visitors happy and creating the best profitable zoo in Planet Zoo.
Understanding Visitor Needs
It is vital that you know how you can check what a visitor needs and what do the different bars in their happiness menu represent. Each visitor and guest who arrive at your zoo also comes with his/her own unique needs. Generally, the stats are the same however each visitor will have his/her own preferences when it comes to satisfying those needs.
To check out the needs of any guest or visitor, simply click on them and this will open a guest card which will show you the current stats of that particular guest or visitor. On this card, you will find 5 different bars under the section of ‘Guest Needs’. The green bar represents that a particular need is fully met, yellow means it is adequately fulfilled while red means that it is not fulfilled at all.
The first bar is the general happiness bar. The second bar represents their Energy level and if its low, the visitor or guest will look for places to rest. The third bar represents Hunger which if low, the guest or visitor will look for food sources. The fourth bar is the Thirst level which if low, the guest or visitor will look for drink stands and so. The fifth and final bar here is the Bathroom need which when low, the guest or visitor will look for a restroom.
If you look at the bottom of this guest card, there is another bar which is the ‘Education’ of that particular guest. This bar represents the education level of that particular guest and how much he/she is learning about various things at your zoo. The higher the bar, the more the information your guests are learning about the animals at your zoo. It plays a vital role in ensuring that guests keep spending money in your zoo.
Taking Care of Basic Needs
You will need to ensure that the general needs which are the first five bars of your guests and visitors remain green. You will need to purchase and place plenty of required facilities around your zoo to ensure that your guests and visitors have plenty of options to choose from. We have detailed all five of them below.
General Happiness
This is the overall happiness factor of your guests about how much are they enjoying their stay at your zoo. You will need to ensure that your guests remain happy which means that this bar has to stay in the green zone. To ensure that your guests are happy overall in your zoo, you will need to cater to different elements that all work towards the overall happiness of your guests and visitors.
You must ensure that your zoo is clean all the time. Always build the staff facilities away from guest attractions and animal exhibits because the guests do not want to see them and this actually makes them unhappy. You will need to ensure that your animal exhibits are clean and your animals are well taken care of. Seeing unhappy animals will in-return make your guests and visitors unhappy.
Energy Needs
As you expand your zoo and your guests spend more time in your zoo, they will eventually become tired. Once they become tired, they will start looking for places where they can sit and rest for a while. For this purpose, you will need to ensure that there are plenty of places in your zoo where your guests and sit comfortably and rest for a while before they continue exploring the rest of your zoo. Tired guests will start leaving your zoo and hence you will lose potential income.
Build special resting areas after every few exhibits and attractions. Make sure there are plenty of sitting space where you put food and drink stands because your guests and visitors will prefer to sit down when they eat or drink. This will in-return also make their Energy levels to go up. Lay down some benches along the main paths of your zoo so that your guests do not have to walk too much to find a place to rest.
Hunger Needs
Naturally, as your guests and visitors explore your zoo, they will eventually become hungry. No guest or visitor will remain happy for long with an empty stomach. You will need to ensure that you have plenty of food selling stands and shacks in your zoo from where the guests can quickly purchase what they want to eat.
Lay down some benches nearby and your guests will rest and eat at the same time. Make sure you hire additional vendors for each shack to work in shifts to cover more ground. Also make sure that you have a good balance of distance between them. Putting down food stands right next to the entrance or the end of the zoo will do you no good. Make sure they are a decent distance from the entrance but not too much that your guests leave due to hunger.
Thirst Needs
Similar to hunger, your guests and visitors will become thirsty as they explore your zoo and spend more time in your zoo. The strategy required for drink stands and shacks is the same as that of hunger. Build as much as you can but at a balanced distance and your guests will not leave your zoo because of thirst. Also, put some benches nearby to make them drink more comfortably.
Restroom Needs
After all the eating and drinking, quite a lot of your visitors and guests will need to visit guestrooms to relieve themselves. For this purpose, you will need to build restrooms around your food and drink areas however you must ensure that they are not too close to your eating areas because this will make your guests unhappy. Build restrooms around the sides of your food courts so that they are not too far and not too close to make the guests unhappy.
Build Some ATMs in your Zoo
Guests will spend money in your zoo and sometimes they will eventually run out of money. To counter this, you must ensure that you put down some ATMs near food stalls, animal exhibits and other attractions where the guests would spend money to ensure that you are not losing any potential income. Guests who run out of money will also eventually leave your zoo so ATMs will ensure that they stay in your zoo for longer.
Keep Building Food, Drink Stalls and Restrooms on Hold Early On
When you are just starting your zoo, your zoo will be much smaller in size so building food and drink stalls along with restrooms will not be really necessary. Chances are there won’t be much to see initially and your guests and visitors will leave your zoo before they get hungry or thirsty.
In this case, as you steadily expand your zoo, continue to monitor your guests’ needs and when their needs start to decline, choose that very spot to start building your very first food court. This will ensure that you are not wasting your money on food and drink stalls and restrooms when you do not have to. You can use the saved up money to make your exhibits better or even expand your zoo.
Education Level of your Guests
The last bar on the guest card shows their education level. This is not their default education level but the amount of knowledge that they are getting from your zoo. This does not directly affect their happiness but if your guests are learning more about animals, they are more likely to return to your zoo or spend more time around exhibits leading to potential donations. You should try to teach as much as you can to your guests because you might land some additional donations.
To make sure that your guests learn more about the animals in your zoo, you can build multiple items around your zoo that will keep your guests more informed about the animals that they are looking at. Place Information Boards and Conservation Boards next to animal shelters and exhibits which will tell the guests and visitors about the conditions of the animals in the wild and how endangered they are. You can also speakers around exhibits where a narrative will tell guests about the animals and their living.
Make sure that you check out some more Planet Zoo guides linked below.
- Beginner’s Guide
- Shelters Guide
- Money Farming Guide
- Animal Breeding Guide
- Habitats Guide
- Franchise Mode Guide
This concludes our Planet Zoo Guests Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.