This Pokémon Sword and Shield Legendary Pokémon Guide will show how you can catch the newly added Legendary Pokémon and where you need to go to find them.
There are a few Legendary Pokémon that you can find and catch. However, the mascots of both Sword and Shield are only special to their versions of the game. This means that you can only capture Zamazenta in the Shield game as it is the mascot. The same goes for the mascot Pokémon of the Sword version of the game.
Pokémon Sword and Shield Legendary Pokémon Guide
Below we have detailed all the Legendary Pokémon in the game and how you can catch them.
How to Catch Zamazenta/Zacian
Both Zacian and Zamazenta are the mascots of each Sword and Shield versions of the game. Zacian is the mascot of Sword, while Zamazenta is in Shield. In order to catch them, you need to own their special versions of the game where they will be featured.
If you have the shield version of the game, you will be looking to capture Zamazenta, which is a highly defensive Pokémon. It also features an ability called the Dauntless Shield that allows it to increase its stats even further at the start of a battle.
To catch Zamazenta, you first have to finish the game and become the champion when you beat Leon. Once you have done that, you need to go to the Slumbering Weald. Here you will have to fight Shielbert. This is followed by another battle where you have to defeat Hop. Beating Hop is necessary if you are looking to capture Zamazenta.
After you have beaten Shielbert and Hop, you can now go to Sonia’s Lab in Wedgehurst. From there you. She will give you the ability to track Dynamax energy. You will now have to defeat Dynamax Pokémon in the various stadiums. After you have beaten all the Dynamax Pokémon, you will have to go the Energy Plant to battle Zamazenta.
Catching Zacian follows the same steps as mentioned above for Zamazenta. This Pokémon is exclusive to Sword version of the game. To catch Zacian, you have to follow the same steps as mentioned above.
How to Catch Eternatus
Eternatus is a Legendary Pokémon that you will encounter after you defeat Rose in Hammerlocke Stadium. To get to Eternatus, you will have to beat Rose, and then face Eternatus
When Eternatus is in its Dynamax form, you will have to defeat it by either Zacian or Zamazenta depending on the type of version you have. When you are done, Eternatus can be accessed from your Pokedex.
How to Get Mew
Another Legendary Pokémon is Mew. This Pokémon can be captured if you have the Poké Ball Plus with you. You cannot capture it, but you can see it in your Pokédex after you transfer it from a new Poke Ball Plus.
Read more Pokémon Sword and Shield Guides:
- What Starter Pokémon to choose?
- Gigantamax Pokémon Guide
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- How to Get Shiny Pokemon
- Where to Find Pikachu
- Where to Find Eevee
This concludes our Pokémon Sword and Shield Legendary Pokémon Guide. Post your comments below.