Predator: Hunting Grounds is now available and it brings one of the most iconic franchises to life. The game features gameplay from both sides of the spectrum, the Fireteam and the Predator. Each side has their own strengths and weaknesses and it is up to you to figure them out in order to win the game with us. If you are just starting the game, we have curated this Predator: Hunting Grounds Beginner’s Guide for you which has some advanced tips and tricks that will help you win the game and gain the advantage over the opposition.
Beginner’s Guide – Predator: Hunting Grounds
Our Predator: Hunting Grounds Beginner’s Guide details everything that you need to know if you are just starting playing the game.
Play the Tutorial
Before jumping in the online mode, make sure that you play the Tutorial. Although it offers just the tutorial of how you play with the Predator, it is still a good way to start your game. Playing with the Fireteams is pretty much the same as playing any other shooter so your main goal here is to learn how to play with the Deadly Predator. Complete the tutorial and you also receive 2 free Field Lockers and you advance up to Level 3 without actually playing any online game. Pretty good start to the game.
Use the Mud
This is a helpful tip if you are playing as the soldiers and are trying to avoid being seen by the Predator. The Predator uses his senses to detect your heat signatures and can easily spot from a decent amount of distance without much trouble. You can avoid being seen by rolling in the mud. For some reason, mud can hide your heat signatures from the Predator and you can gain an upper hand while hiding from the Predator. You will often find mud in the ground so when you do, use it to your advantage.
Predator Can Heal Himself with Time
Predator might be all alone going against a team of the Fireteam but he has plenty of tips and tricks up his sleeve as well. One of his key abilities is regeneration although it takes a little time and the Predator should be out of combat when he wants to heal himself. If you are playing as the Predator and you take quite a bit of a damage, get back and hide and you will heal yourself. Use this to ensure that you stay in combat for longer and eliminate those last few remaining members of the Fireteam.
Be A Team Player
Coming back to the Fireteam, you are in a squad for a reason. Use it to your advantage. Do not try to be a lone wolf because the Predator can rip you to shreds easily if you are all alone. Always make sure that you are with the whole team and if someone on your team is trying to be a lone wolf, tell them to stick around because it is better for all of you. Sticking together will ensure that the Predator rarely finds a soldier all by himself and kills them easily. A whole squad is much harder to tackle rather than a single soldier trying to be a hero.
Find the Fireteam as Quickly as Possible
While playing as the Predator, your main goal is to find and eliminate the Fireteam but the Fireteam has their own missions as well. Very seldom they will come and look for you so you have to find them. Lucky for you, your Vision Mode allows you to locate them from afar as it can track their heat signatures. Couple the Tracking Vision with your Target Isolation ability and you can pinpoint your target’s exact location. This will allow you to locate at least one member of the Fireteam and chances are that the remaining members will not be too far from him either.
Avoid Hunting Down the Predator if Possible
While playing as the Fireteam, you have your own missions in the game as well. Your main goal is to complete the objectives rather than hunting down the Predator. If you and your team specifically want to hunt down the Predator, then you must go prepared for the fight. Otherwise, if you want to win the game, you must try to avoid contact with the Predator and try to complete the objectives and get out as quickly as possible. Stick to killing the AI and try to avoid as much contact as possible with the Predator.
Strategize Your Attack
While this might not be an easy approach while playing as the Fireteam, you definitely have to plan your attacks while playing as the Predator. You also get more time to think about this as the Predator because your sole goal is to make sure that the Fireteam does not leave the forest in one piece. Fireteams also have to look out for AI enemies defending key locations in the game so this means that they are engaged on two fronts at the same time. You can look for key opportunities to attack which means that you can attack when you see them fighting AI enemies, splitting up for objectives or healing themselves. These are the most vulnerable conditions of the Fireteam and perfect attack opportunities for the Predator.
Stick to the Trees
While playing as the Predator, the best location for you is the trees. Staying high will allow you to strike silently and is a great spot of ambushing Fireteams as well. Staying high in the trees will also give you a better view of the battle. Stay high, keep a lookout, and strike when the time is right and then quickly return back to plan your next move. You can climb any tree which is marked red.
Make sure to check out more Predator: Hunting Grounds guides below.
This concludes our Predator: Hunting Grounds Beginner’s Guide. If you have some tips or tricks for us, make sure to share them in the comments section below.
How do you apply mud on the soldiers?
What’s the sound wave icon for on the left side f the screen (predator)?
The icons on the left side of the screen are: Left: Leap, Middle: Heat Vision, and Right: Cloak. Pressing their corresponding key will enable them. To apply mud on the soldiers, you simply have to find a deep mud source. Go there and roll over to put mud all over yourself.