Predator: Hunting Grounds Guide – Best Fireteam Builds

Predator: Hunting Grounds allows you to play as both the Predator or the humans in the form of Fireteams. While playing as the Fireteams, you have a good selection of weapons, gear, and perks to choose from. If you not sure which ones to use or simply want to opt for a build that is targeted at a particular combat element, we have curated this Predator: Hunting Grounds Best Fireteam Builds Guide for you in which you can check out the best builds and become the ultimate Fireteam player in the game.

Best Fireteam Builds Guide – Predator: Hunting Grounds

Similar to our Predator Builds Guide, we will be using the basic Fireteam classes as our basis to expand them further and make them more efficient for the purpose they are intended for. The four classes available to you while playing as the Fireteam include Assault, Scout, Support, and Recon. Each of these classes come with their own bonuses as well. We’ve detailed the classes below before their detailed builds further down below the guide.

  • Assault – Class suited for players who want a well-balanced soldier in all aspects. It comes with good health, balanced stamina, and movement speed along with good gear options. It also has unique bonus of better hipfire accuracy and increased teammate revive speed.
  • Recon – Class suited for players who prefer ranged combat and provide support to their team by spotting enemies and also stalking enemies and the Predator. This comes boasts the highest movement speed among all classes however lacks in health and gear support. Stamina is also slightly greater than most of the classes. It comes with unique bonus of increased Spot Duration and stays mudded for longer.
  • Scout – Scout is a class that is best suited for players who want to be quick and nimble on their feet. However, this comes with the weakness of extremely low health and gear support. Scout also features the highest speed of switching weapons and has bonus secondary weapon damage. This class is best suited for hit-and-run scenarios since it cannot withstand frontal confrontations for long.
  • Support – The Support class is the heaviest class of all so that also makes it the slowest class of them all. However, it makes up for the slow movement speed and low stamina with massive amounts of health and Gear support. Support class also comes with the most resistance to explosive damage and higher ammo reserves than any other class. Normally, Support classes are aimed at helping others in battle however in Predator: Hunting Grounds, the Support class is essentially the Tank class of any other game.

Let’s dig deep into the best builds for these classes now.

Assault – Lion Build

This Assault class Lion build is the perfect build for new players who are just starting with the game. This build offers decent weapons for every occasion along with perks that offer both damage boost and damage protection while ensuring that speed and movement speed is not compromised. Let’s look at the weapons.

Primary Weapon

The primary weapon for this build is obviously an Assault rifle. There are different Assault Rifles to choose from in the game but for this build, we are going with the AR-W. It hits really hard and instantly makes up for a little slower rate of fire when compared to other Assault Rifles in the game. Its accuracy is also pretty decent when you keep its Mobility, Range, and Damage in mind. Once you unlock GOSL-R, you can switch to that to make this build more effective. The AR-W is the AK-47 of this game while the GOSL-R is the SCAR-L of this game. Both weapons work really great for this build so you can use either one of them for this build.

Secondary Weapon

The secondary weapon of choice for this build is obviously a shotgun because we want to be ready for both long-range and short-range combat. The shotgun we will be choosing is the DJL-33. Although it is not as accurate or fast-firing as the rest of the shotguns in the game, it packs the most punch and can stop anything dead in its tracks if it appears in its range. It is really effective against the Predator as well so you will need to adjust to its slow firing rate and low accuracy to ensure that you fire few but decisive shots.


The gear for your Assault class will be Field Syrette, Frag Grenade and Ammo Bag. The Field Syrettes ensure that you stay in the battle for longer while the Ammo Bag will ensure that your weapons fire for longer. The Frag Grenades will help you take out the pesky AI enemies hiding behind cover or take out multiple enemies if they are clustered together.


The perks for this particular build will be:

  • Flesh Ripper – 2 Points
  • Weapons Training – 2 Points
  • Fast Hands – 2 Points

With the Flesh Ripper, you will deal extra damage to enemies while Fast Hands will ensure that you switch your weapons and gear much more quickly. Weapons Training ensures that the weapon has less fire recoil for all weapons that you equip and use in the game. This comes extra handy because more of your shots will actually land on your enemies rather than you spraying them all over the place.

Recon – Eagle Build

The Recon Eagle Build is all about your eagle eyes and using them for spotting and stalking your enemies. Recon also excels at ranged combat so our weapons and gear will revolve around things that prefer ranged combat. This build is especially for long-ranged weaponry that will help you eliminate enemies at long range.

Primary Weapon

Your primary weapon for this build is definitely a Sniper Rifle. The best choice for this build is, of course, the deadly 7EN which features high damage output, maximum range, and the deadliest accuracy in the game. However, aiming will take some time with it because it is a really big sniper rifle and setting it up takes longer when compared to other sniper rifles. However, once it is ready to fire, literally none of the enemies that appear it its scope, walk away with their life. Its decent fire rate also ensures that you can fire quickly.

Secondary Weapon

For your Secondary Weapon for this build, you will be using the slow but powerful 2XL revolver. 2Xl features the most range and packs a punch which can easily take down your enemies and also give you plenty of range for that too. However, it lacks in accuracy and is also a little slow compared to other pistols in the game but each landed hit is a solid hit and requires less shots to eliminate your enemies.


For this build, you can choose Ammo Bag because you will be staying at the back and eliminating enemies from a distance so you want to be sure that you have plenty of ammo at hand to provide cover to your teammates who are ahead at the front lines. You can also opt for Smoke Grenade or the Thermal Decoy that will aid your escape if the enemies find your nesting spot.


Since you will be staying behind than the rest of the team, you will most vulnerable against the Predator. You will need to ensure that you deal maximum damage to the Predator if it comes to you or you survive long enough for your teammates to arrive back to support you if the Predator gets to you. Based on your preferences, the best Perks for this build are:

  • OWLF Trained – 4 Points
  • YAUJTA’s Bane – 6 Points
  • Sludge Blood – 1 Point

Sludge Blood ensures that you have more time before you bleed out. This will give your teammates plenty of time to return back and revive you if the Predator gets to your first. Since the Predator is your biggest threat in this class, OWLF Trained will ensure that you deal extra damage to it if things end up in frontal confrontation. Finally, YAUJTA’s Bane will ensure that you take less damage from the Predator than normally you would making you tougher against it and giving you a better chance of surviving against it.

Predator: Hunting Grounds Best Fireteam Builds Guide

Scout – Hyena Build

Our Scout Hyena Build is all about hit-and-run combat just like a Hyena. This build will allow you to pounce in for some quick hits and then run back to safety with minimum enemy contact. If you want a super-agile build, this one if for you. Catering to our build, we have the following weapons, gear, and perks.

Primary Weapon

The primary weapon of choice for this weapon is an Assault Rifle. More specifically, you will be using the G-Row Assault Rifle which offers the highest mobility out of all the weapons. It combines high mobility with high damage and a deadly accuracy and fire rate. It also has a decent range so you are good for medium to long-range combat if the need arises.

Secondary Weapon

Your secondary weapon for this build is the ZR-55 Submachine Gun which offers blistering fast bullet delivery coupled with great mobility perfect for your hit-and-run scenarios. To be honest, this build is not the best damage dealer in the game but your secondary weapon gets a damage boost which makes the ZR-55 a deadly weapon in the hands of the Scout. I will recommend that you actually use ZR-55 more and only switch to the G-Row when you really have to.


Scout’s low gear support really makes it a tough one. Since it has low health, keeping the Field Syrettes is really necessary but they take a massive 4 weight. If you don’t want to have the Field Syrettes, go for the Noise Maker and Thermal Decoy as both of them will ensure that your escapes are clean and no one sees where you went after striking them.


Our choice of perks for this build are:

  • Dexterous – 3 Points
  • Pig in Shit – 5 Points
  • Double Time – 3 Points

Double Time makes your movement even more fluid and faster. Since you will be moving around a lot, Double Time will make your movement even faster. Since you will be the fastest one on the team, it makes sense that you move in for different interactions for completing mission objectives. For this purpose, Dexterous is really helpful because it will increase your interaction speed making you complete objectives much more quickly rather than your teammates. Finally, Pig in Shit will help you stay muddied for longer. Rolling in the mud hides you from the Predator’s Vision so if you stay in mud for longer, you remain in the shadow for longer.

Support – Elephant Build

Our final Support Build is the Elephant Build. Namely so because this build is all about absorbing as much damage as possible. With this build, you will be the ultimate tank in the game and will be able to soak up quite a bit of the damage. Since Support is all about damage absorption and dealing damage, we will be profiting on its strengths rather than addressing its slow movement and low agility.

Primary Weapon

For your primary weapon, you will be using the RP-103 LMG because it will allow you to cut through the toughest of the enemies in no time. Yes it does has a very long load time but with the massive ammo in the clip, high rate of fire, good accuracy, and heavy damage, you will be cutting through enemies pretty easily. The RP-103 is the perfect weapon for the Support class.

Secondary Weapon

For our secondary weapon, we will be continuing our tradition of raining down bullets on your enemies with the S-R3D Minigun. If you run out of ammo for your primary weapon during combat, do not reload but rather switch to the S-R3D Minigun and let it loose on the remaining enemies in sight. If someone managed to remain alive from your first strafe, the second one will ensure that they are part of the history as well.


For this build, you must have FlashBangs with you. Use Flashbangs to blind your enemies and then rain down hell on them. Having an Ammo Bag is also helpful since you will be able to stock up on ammo once you’ve finally lifted your finger off the triggers of your bullet-happy weapons. Finally, I found Frag Grenades a good mix for this build because why not. Exploding enemies is just as fun as spraying them with bullets.


The best Perks for this build are:

  • Prepper – 3 Points
  • Thick Skin – 4 Points
  • Quick Release – 2 Points

With these perks, you have the ultimate badass at your disposal. With Prepper, you start off with even more ammo for your primary weapon. Thick Skin reduces all incoming damage and since the Support class already has the most amount of health, this perk makes him even tougher. Finally, since both weapons of this build take really long to reload, Quick Release increases your reload speed so you that you spend more time raining down bullets on your enemies rather than reloading your weapons.

If you need more help with the game, make sure that you check out more guides below.

This concludes our Predator: Hunting Grounds Best Fireteam Builds Guide. If you want to share your own best Fireteam build with us, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.


    1. The perks I’ve listed in the guide are the best fit for the specific build. You can play around with them to fit in the allowed limit according to your own taste.

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