Google Stadia was just announced recently and the company announced it is more powerful than the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. This puts Microsoft and Sony in a weird position. Reports are coming in that the next-generation consoles will now be released in 2020 so that they can beat Google Stadia in performance.
These reports come from industry-leading journalist Jason Schreier who mentioned that while the current generation of consoles is weaker than Google Stadia both Microsoft and Sony are looking to provide better performance for the next-generation console. Both companies are aiming to go higher than 10.7 teraflops for the next-generation consoles.
Right now, both companies are keeping everyone in the dark regarding the performance and the specifications of the upcoming consoles. Only a hand full of engineers know about it and not even big companies that Sony and Microsoft partner with know about the specifications of the upcoming consoles. It will be interesting to see what both companies have to offer but it is safe to say that we are not going to hear much about this at E3 2019.
While Microsoft will be there at E3 2019, Sony is not going to be at the conference. Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios chairman Shawn Layden explained why that is the case and the following is what he had to say in this regard:
Now we have an event in February called Destination PlayStation, where we bring all retailers and third-party partners to come hear the story for the year. They’re making purchasing discussions in February. June, now, is just too late to have a Christmas holiday discussion with retailers.
While some companies are not coming to E3 2019, it is still going to be a rather big event and there are a couple of announcements that we are looking forward to. Cyberpunk 2077 might get a release date at E3 2019 and the developer has confirmed that it has prepared a rather strong show.
Let us know what you think about Sony and Microsoft working on making PS5 and Xbox Scarlett better than Google Stadia and which company you are betting on for 2020.