Rad Mutations Guide – Best Mutations, Endo Mutations, Exo Mutations

Rad Mutations Guide

In this Rad Mutations Guide, we will show you some of the best mutations in the game that will help you massively in combat with enemies, and various buffs that they provide to make things easier.

There are two different types of mutations in the game. One is the endo mutations, and the other is the Exo mutations. Endo mutations are powerful mutations that give you special abilities helping you in combat or provide you with buffs. Endo mutations are active abilities that require you to press a button to activate its powerful effect.

On the other hand, Exo mutations are small mutations that can be unlocked when you visit statues underground or unlock them by buying it from the vendors. These provide your character with various buffs. It is worth mentioning that any broken statue you find will give you debuffs, so stay away from them.

Rad Mutations Guide

Below we have listed some of the best mutations that will help you in the game and in combat.

Fire Arm

This mutation combination will light your arms on fire and then give you the ability to throw fireballs towards your enemy. The good thing about this ability is that you have range with the fireballs, allowing you to shoot from a distance.


This mutation is a buff where your melee attacks become more powerful, thus deal more damage. Melee is your basic attack in Rad, this means that you will be relying on this attack most of the time. What is better than to make it more powerful with this mutation.

Toxic Dump

This mutation allows you to leave behind a trail of toxic slime that damages enemies. The mutation will be noticeable when you will see your legs covered in green radioactive and toxic slime. The best way to use this is to hinder the enemies that follow you or to choke them inside a circle of this toxic slime.

X-Ray Vision

This endo mutation is a passive ability that highlights every item on an enemy, or a breakable surface contains. With the X-ray vision, you can see the item that each enemy is carrying, which means that you know what you will be getting before you even engage with the enemy. This is a very important mutation in the game that can save a lot of time and your health by being effective.

Fire Trail

Some enemies will be immune to Toxic Dump, and this is where the Fire Trail will come in handy. All you have to do is have both abilities active at the same time by pressing their buttons. This will make your character slam to the ground for a fireball explosion that covers all corners. Any enemy caught in the wake will be blown away.

Chronobellum Hyperspeed

Fighting with enemies can be overwhelming in rad. There will come a point where you will find yourself among many powerful enemies attacking from everywhere. This is where this mutation makes it one of the best in the game. It not only slows time but also increases your own speed. This means that while your enemies are in a slow-mo trance, you can dash around and deal lots of damage in the meantime.

If you are just starting with Rad, read out Beginner’s Guide.

This concludes our Rad Mutations Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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