Similar to Dragon Hearts in the previous Remnant game, Relics are consumables that allow players to get various bonuses and also heal. Relics can also be upgraded to increase their charges using an item called Simulacrum. This Remnant 2 Simulacrum Locations Guide will show you where you can find all the Simulacrum in the different areas of the game.
Remnant 2 Simulacrum Locations Guide
Although the upgrading process asks for more materials besides Simulacrum, it is rare than any other required item, making it a material that players would likely be looking for.
Below we have listed all the Simulacrum locations and how to get them:
Simulacrum Location #1 – Ward 13
The first Simulacrum can be found during one of the missions in Remnant 2 where Cass gets injured, but then later emerges to be a vendor. When you go to talk to her at her shop, you will find a Simulacrum that she will be selling for 1,500 Scraps. This is the first Simulacrum that you can obtain which is going to cost you some money.
Simulacrum Location #2 – Losomn
The second Simulacrum can be found in the very first area of Losomn when you are making your way to the asylum yard in Marrow Parish. It is only after you fight a mini boss called Ripsaw that you will get the Simulacrum.
This is because the item is dropped by this mini-boss, and the best way to beat Ripsaw is to run down to the basement and then head to the room that lets you crawl under and shoot at the boss’s legs. This is the safest and easiest way to take down the boss, while you can then return to pick up the Simulacrum from the boss’ corpse.
Simulacrum Location #3 – N’erud
The Simulacrum in N’erud can actually be found after the Terminus Station near the outer walls leading to another facility. To reach this point, you need to play the starting area of N’erud until you reach Phantom Wasteland.
From this point, you will be able to see a location called The Putrid Domain, which leads through a dungeon to the Timeless Horizon. From the Timeless Horizon, keep on the edge of the map and go past the Terminus Station and you will find the Simulacrum outside the walls of the facility at the end.
Simulacrum Location #4 – Yaesha
The Simulacrum in Yaesha is located in the Forbidden Grove, which can be accessed via two ways. You can either complete the Great Water Harp puzzle to access the grove, or you can explore the area by completing the dungeon quests marked with the exclamation points.
Following the quests, you will end up in the Forbidden Grove after you get out of the Imperial Gardens. Once inside, you will find the Simulacrum.
Check out more guides below:
- Plinth Puzzle Guide
- Bird Statue Puzzle
- Weapon Mods Guide
- How to Get Leto’s Stash
- Invader Archetype Unlock Guide
That’s all the Simulacrum locations in the game as shown in this Remnant 2 Simulacrum Locations Guide.