In this Resident Evil 2 Remake Mr. X (Tyrant) Guide, we will show you how you can play against the Tyrant. Mr. X or the Tyrant is the antagonist in the game that follows both Leon and Clair throughout the Police Station.
Mr. X is also invincible which leaves you with only one option, and that is to evade him or avoid him. Mr. X is Umbrella’s weapon that is specially designed to find and kill all the police officers and humans remaining in Raccoon City. He will follow you around in the main story through major parts of the police station.
Mr. X first appears in Leon’s story when you reach the Jail after getting your Parking Pass. Meanwhile Claire gets to see him in the Parking Garage after inserting the Key Card, where he will chase after you.
Resident Evil 2 Remake Mr. X (Tyrant) Guide
Below we have listed all the places you can hide to avoid Mr. X, how you can incapacitate him, and other tips and tricks in order to give you the advantage over him.
Mr. X Locations
In this part of the guide, we have listed all the places that you will find Mr. X:
- Interrogation or Observation room on the First Floor
- Watchman’s Room and Break Room Hall on the First Floor
- Boiler Room Safe Room on the First Floor
- Darkroom Safe Room on the First Floor
- Chief’s Office on the Second Floor
- S.T.A.R.S Office on the Second Floor
- Clock Tower on the Third Floor
How to Kill Mr. X
Though there is no way you can kill Mr. X during the story gameplay, you can however incapacitate him. thus giving you the time to evade and find a hiding place.
With Leon’s Magnum, one headshot can incapacitate Mr. X to drop down to one knee for 30 seconds. With any other weapon like a handgun, it can take up to 10 or more bullets to have the same effect on him.
Incapacitating Mr. X can take a lot of your bullets but can offer you some options of escape when you are in dire need of one. Otherwise, it is best to save your ammo and run towards the other direction.
Tips & Tricks
- Mr. X is not so accurate with your last known location and rarely peeks into the smaller areas of the room you are hiding. That is of course if he has not already seen you. When he finds nothing, he goes back to patrolling the main halls of the police station.
- Mr. X’s footsteps can always be heard when he is nearby. This gives you the advantage of carefully planning your next move when he is around, or to decide when you have to clear to move forward.
- Mr. X’s close range punch attack is devastating. But if is unsuccessful in landing the punch, it can take a long time for him to get back on his feet. This can give you a decent advantage if you can dodge his punch in the first place, and dash out from the area.
- Mr. X is slow when he has a lot of obstacles in between himself and you. For example, the more doors he has to open, the more time he takes to get to you. This is a major advantage if you know the place around and can sneak out from door to door to avoid him.
- Another way to get him off your tail is to lead him to the main halls or switching between floors of the police station.
- Mr. X can also climb ladders and follow you up to you, but he rarely climbs them down. For example, when he is in the Library, he will hop down to the lower floor.
- Mr. X can knock zombies in front of him in order to get close to you, this can give you some advantage by taking some pressure off from you.
- You can also unlock the “Hat’s Off” trophy/achievement by shooting the hat off from Mr. X’s head.
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This concludes our Resident Evil 2 Remake Mr. X (Tyrant) Guide. Feel free to comment below.