Review: Mini City: Mayhem – Block-Dropping Good

Mini City: Mayhem Release Date review

Developed and published by Rogue Duck Interactive alongside developer cukuto and publisher The 4 Winds Entertainment, Mini City: Mayhem is a brand-new chaotic yet cozy city builder. Normally, when we think of city builders, we instantly think complex mechanics, head-scratching planning, and plenty of screen clicks but Mini City: Mayhem ditches all of the complex mechanics and instead goes for simple yet challenging city-building mechanics. Offering cozy visuals and smaller maps, the game certainly tones down massively when it comes to mechanics, but the challenge and strategy of city-building are still there. This is our review of Mini City: Mayhem on PC via Steam in which we build some cozy cities and try to land blocks from a moving crane on a tower.

Mini City: Mayhem has plenty of different game modes on offer, and each game mode is different in many ways. There are five unique game modes on offer here. You start with Mayhem, which we would like to call the game’s main mode. In Mayhem, you are against the time which is your people’s patience level in the game. As you continue to build and expand your city, people will start to move in and if the population hits the available limit, patience will start to run out and if it reaches zero, your game will be over. This mode is one of the most chaotic modes in the game because it is against time, and you will need to work quickly to win this mode. Your ultimate goal is to keep building and then place monuments to level up and reach a certain progression level to complete the stage.

Mini City Mayhem Review

Next up, we have the Zen mode which may sound like it is a chill mode, but this mode requires another type of strategy and critical thinking. In this mode, your goal is to place down a specific number of buildings on the map without running out of space. Once done, your ultimate goal is to place the monument in your city, and this will complete the city. This mode becomes challenging because the maps are not very big in the city, and you will need to carefully decide where to place each building while ensuring there is enough space for the final monument on the map as well. There were a few instances where we were able to place down every building but failed to manage space for the monument and had to restart again. This sort of removes the ‘Zen’ element from the Zen mode because while you are not rushing against the time, you are still under the stress of placing down each building optimally.

Moving on, we have the Square Stack where you will really need to use your eyes and your mind. In this mode, we get a strict time limit and only two block cards with a height limit. We need to place a block before the timer runs out and we must remain within the height limit as well. Once we have placed down a certain number of blocks, the height limit is raised, and we can continue until the level is complete. This is yet another challenging game mode with two strict limits that we must follow at all times. This mode switches up the challenge with a height limit thrown in the mix and the time limit is even more strict but still we would rank Mayhem as our best mode of the game because it gives you more freedom to play around with.

Mini City Mayhem Review

The next mode is one of our favorite modes in Mini City: Mayhem. It is called the Crane and it is a throwback to one of the best arcade games ever made. In Crane, you must carefully stack block over ba lock to create the tallest tower. There are no time or building limits here, but the crane is moving, and you have to carefully place blocks down to ensure that they do not fall off or the tower becomes too wobbly as it grows in height. Both the tower and crane are rocking from side to side, and you have to pick the right time to drop the block on the tower while keeping in mind the distance between the two and their respective movements. It is a challenging but fun game mode.

Finally, we have the Sandbox mode which is one of the only true chill game modes as there are no time limits, no challenges, or anything else to worry about. Here, you can run wild with your imagination as you create your very own city with your own rules. The core gameplay remains pretty well the same for all game modes. The buildings must always be connected to a road. Construction is done by building cards that are on the lower side of the UI and once you place one down, it is replaced with a random one. Depending on your selected game mode, different additional mechanics will come into play here such as money requirements for buildings, cooldown times, and bonuses from special buildings.

Mini City: Mayhem Release Date

The UI is pretty simple, and the gameplay mechanics are easy to learn as well. Certain buildings can be placed on top of each other and this way, you can create insane towers as well. Placing down similar colored buildings on top of each other also gives a bonus depending on the selected game mode. The buildings are designed in different shapes and sizes and resemble Tetris blocks. The maps are short and grid-based so you can place down the buildings on them in the sort of a horizontal Tetris board. As you reach milestones, you can select special buildings like hospitals, schools, fountains, or shopping centers which may or may not give a bonus depending on the mode you are currently playing.

One thing we like about the different game modes is that each of the modes is completely different from each other. They are not just copies of each other with little differences. Every time you jump into a different game mode, you will experience a different type of gameplay with brand-new challenges. This keeps the game fresh, and it also makes it excellent for short-term gameplay sessions. At the time of this release, our only grip on the game is that the maps are not enough. We do get a decent amount of maps that are themed on their real-life counterparts such as Paris, Hong Kong,  and but there is only a specific amount of time that you can play them again and again before the game gets repetitive. Either mod support or additional maps in the future can seriously extend its life.

Mini City Mayhem Review

While we were unable to check it on a Steam Deck and the official Steam page of the game also does not list it as a Steam Deck-compatible game, this may be a huge miss for the title because it is the perfect game to play on a Steam Deck. Technically, the game ran fine for us. We did not encounter any sort of glitches or bugs during our review playthrough. On the other hand, it is not a very demanding game as well but still, the optimization is good, and sometimes even the least demanding games can become a headache with poor optimization. We are happy to report all good on the technical front.

Mini City: Mayhem - Official Release Date Trailer

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Final Verdict:

Mini City: Mayhem is a deceptively challenging city-building game. While it lacks the complexities of modern city-building titles, it hides a mind-bending challenge behind its charming visuals and simple gameplay mechanics. You jump into the game thinking it would be a simple game where you will build cities by putting down blocks, but it really pushes your city-building skills to the max as every game mode brings its own challenge. It is fun, diverse, and a brilliant change from most modern complex city builders. If you are looking for a challenging city-building game but without the hard and deep gameplay mechanics, Mini City: Mayhem will keep your brain tickling with its puzzle-like game modes and simple city-building mechanics. Highly recommended for a diverse range of players including city-builders, puzzle-game lovers, and cozy game players.

Final Score: 9.0/10

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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