Monster Hunter World’s PC port came out in August of this year. The console version of the game came out earlier in the year. The PC port adds a greater depth to the performance and game play with an amazing confluence of level, monster design and combat.
Monster Hunter World’s PC players who are used to more elegant inventory management systems may would be pleased by the game’s somewhat serene approach. It adds to the feeling that while Monster Hunter: World is an amazing product, the opportunity to make the PC conversion the best version of the game was seized.

Monster Hunter World is a fantastic third person open world game. It uses old school plot narratives to achieve something new and unique. The game circles around a group of hunters going into different zones to explore and hunt dangerous monsters. With each hunt, you can get upgrades on different tools and weapons to make your next quest a little easier.
The PC port has it’s own content which can be downloaded through steam. Monsters such as Devilijho and Lunastra are downloadable, which adds to the game time and more exciting hunting.
One of the main differences of playing the game on the PC port is that the overall performance is enhanced. With the ability to adjust graphic settings depending on the type of system you own, the PC port allows for a more streamlined gaming experience. The game loads far quicker than the consoles.
As compared with the console versions the frame rates and general glitches are far more minimum. With a GTX 1070 the chances of running the game on a 1080p to 60fps are higher. This gives the players a whole new 4K experience which is only available on PlayStation Pro and Xbox One X only. However, the console versions with 4K experience are limited to 30fps only, but, if you have a beefier GPU, you can achieve 4K 60fps.
Monster Hunter World has the capacity to run a lot smooth on the PC, there are a few glitches on the console version; such as the auto rotation of the aim gauge while hunting, which does not happen on the PC port.
Monster Hunter World, explores different regions in search for unique species to be captured or hunt. This takes the players to all sorts of different locations in the gaming world. Creating a good sound effect for each location requires a lot of work. CAPCOM manages to that with this version, every region has its unique sound. Creating a really authentic feel for the players, as they embark on this perilous adventure.
The main story also has a nice over laid soundtrack, which syncs with the story perfectly and adds to the whole journey. Each Monster has its own unique sound instead of over laying the same pitches on different frequencies. Giving each creature its own agency and character.
Barring a few minor tweaks, the overall game play is the same as the console version. The major difference however is in the handling of the game via keyboard/mouse. The combo feels a little erratic. The controller still seems to be a safer bet when playing the game even on the PC. There are a certain quests in the game that are more suited to the controller. With an ease of switching the weapons and moving players faster the controller supersedes the keyboard.
PC edition of Monster Hunter: World has made some solid interface improvements. The game’s textures look well rendered, smooth quite awe-inspiring. Right out of the box, camera control was a little hackneyed until you go under the hood and make some changes to the calibrations.
One thing that does fall flat is the game’s un-skippable cut-scenes and terrible lip-syncing hadn’t been improved. Although the community of players – so critical to the game’s core mechanic – subjectively seemed responsive to SOS calls, even though the servers were densely populated. While playing with friends is the optimal way to experience the game’s co-op, the multi-step process for jumping into a hunt has been streamlined for PC.
Multiplayer Mode
The multiplayer on the PC port is much better than the console. With a wide range of players choosing to stick with the PC to play the game, online matches are more easy to come by as compared to the long connectivity wait on PlayStation 4 PRO and Xbox one.
Monster Hunter World, has one of the fastest growing online players hub on steam. The numbers are far greater than the console versions. One major reason for that is the fact that despite it’s drawbacks the keyboard and mouse combo works better for multiplayer game play as the reflexes need are slightly on the slower side.
Worth The Purchase?
The game is definitely one to get if you are into the mythical world of monster hunters, if you’ve sat through discovery documentaries on Loch Ness and Yeti, Monster Hunter World is sure to peek your interest. A definite must buy. The game is available to download on steam right now.
Monster Hunter World’s PC port is a great addition to an already well rounded game. Capcom has developed an exciting game of the year candidate, which the PC port does no harm to it’s repute. If you are a veteran of the series or some one trying your hand for the first time, this game will sure to have you entertained for hours on end.
The PC port isn’t the case of a developer ‘flashing the pan’ for a marketable franchise, but it is an honest attempt to use the core dynamics of the console version and give a another layer of gloss to the already popular franchise.