Sea of Solitude Release Date Announced, Releasing on July 5 Across Platforms

Sea of Solitude

Jo-Mei Games has announced a release date for their upcoming adventure game Sea of Solitude and it is releasing across platforms this summer. Sea of Solitude is a unique game which is about loneliness set in a flooded city. It is an EA Originals title so naturally, the PC version will be released via Origin.

Sea of Solitude was revealed back in 2018 and it was announced at that time that the title will be released early 2019. This is a very unconventional title for EA and normally we do not see such artistic and unique games published by EA. Sea of Solitude is a beautiful game in which players will step in the shoes of a young woman called Kay who is lost in a flooded city.

As she explores the flooded city, she will come across different demons and monsters as she tries to find her way out. Kay is all alone and the game very well sets the tone of loneliness with its unique art style and environment. Kay must struggle to overcome her loneliness and reclaim herself before the demons of the world consume her.

The water rises and falls according to Kay’s state of mind. Kay’s ultimate goal here is to solve different challenges which will help her get rid of the tainted memories haunting her. According to Jo-Mei’s CEO Cornelia Geppert, Sea of Solitude is a deeply personal project and it will reward players more than just the game itself as it focuses on ‘self-discovery and healing’.

Check out the Sea of Solitude trailer from E3 last year.

Sea of Solitude: Official Teaser Trailer | EA Play 2018

According to EA’s official site, the game is described as:

Sea of Solitude takes you on a personal journey of a young woman’s loneliness.  Set sail across a beautiful and evolving world, where nothing is quite what it seems.  Meet fantastical creatures and monsters, learn their stories, and solve challenges.  Explore a flooded city, either by boat, on foot, or by swimming through the water itself.  Dare to look what lies beneath the surface, in a haunting struggle of darkness and light, and discover what it truly means to be human.

Sea of Solitude will retail for $19.99 and it is slated for release across PC via Origin, PS4 and Xbox One on July 5, 2019.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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