SEGA has released a brand-new animated short called Sonic Frontiers Prologue which features Knuckles the Echidna and his whereabouts before the events of Sonic Frontiers. Sonic Frontiers Prologue follows Knuckles as he explores the ancient ruins of Angel Island and unearths its mysteries while encountering dangerous enemies along with way. Check out the new animated short below before we jump into additional details:
Called Divergence, the new animated short begins with Knuckles standing guardian over Master Emerald and recalling the past of his ancestors who tried to steal a power that was not theirs. The question still lingers in his mind that whose power was it originally and now since he is the guardian of this mysterious power, he is trying his best to protect the power as well as his home of Angel Island from all sorts of dangers. Even after a thorough exploration of the entire island, Knuckles still finds something new every day.
During one such exploration run, Knuckles discovers something and now his world is all upside down. We get to see a good fight between Knuckles and some of the enemies featured in the upcoming Sonic Frontiers game. The six-minute video tells us what Knuckles has been doing before the events of Sonic Frontiers. Chances are low that we might get to see another such animated short since the release of the full game is right around the corner, but we still have one weekend before the launch so a new video or an animated short might arrive before that,
Sonic Frontiers is slated for release on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on November 8. Pre-orders for Sonic Frontiers are now live across all platforms, and you can secure your copy of the game right now by heading over to the official website of the game. Previously, SEGA also released the ending song for the game by ONE OK ROCK along with the release date trailer, Gamescom 2022 trailer, Features trailer, and the announcement trailer for the game.
Are you looking forward to playing Sonic Frontiers when it comes out next week? Let us know in the comments section below.