FromSoftware and Activision have finally released the launch trailer of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and it is brutal. The launch trailer for the titles comes nearly 10 days before the release of the title and it shows us a little bit of cutscenes and the brutal combat we will experience in the title when it comes out.
The new trailer also shows up glimpses of some of the epic boss battles in the game. We know that FromSoftware games have some of the best boss battles and we can expect the same from the upcoming Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice as well. We can see many of the huge creatures and bosses that we will fight in the game in the new trailer.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a brand new game by Activision and FromSoftware following the same DNA as that of Dark Souls franchise but on a completely fresh idea and concept. Fans of the soulsbourne games will find plenty of familiar mechanics and elements in the new title.
Check out the launch trailer for the title below.
To get ready for playing the title, you can check out the PC requirements which were revealed earlier to make sure that your PC is ready to churn out the best graphics for the game when it comes out. You can also check out the gameplay footage which gave us a tour of the Hirata Estates featured in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is creeping on us slowly and Activision and FromSoftware are releasing more and more news and trailers about the game to keep the hype up. The new launch trailer surely gets us to the hype and we can hardly wait to finally jump in the title when it finally comes out.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is coming out on PS4, Xbox One and PC on March 22, 2019.