This Serious Sam 4 Cheats Guide will show you all the cheats codes that you can find and use in the game. There are several cheat codes with various different effects that can massively help you in the gameplay, or just allow you to have fun.
Each cheat requires a special code that you need to input in order to unlock a cheat. Cheats in Serious Sam 4 will stop any achievements unlock in the gameplay, while also blocking the leaderboards. If you are just looking to have fun and don’t worry about a personal best on the leaderboards and the achievements, check out the cheat codes below.
Serious Sam 4 Cheats Guide
Below we have detailed all the cheat codes that you can find in the game.
How to Add Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes can be added by pressing the ~ tilde button on your keyboard and then typing cht. This will open up a list of cheats that you can use in the game. Most cheats will have a value of 0 which is an indication of the cheat being disabled. You need to change the value from 0 to 1 in order to activate a cheat.
Other cheats require you to just add in the cheat codes without having to worry about the value. Add the exact code and you will enable the specific cheat you are looking for. The Cheat Codes that end with brackets () require you to put in the amount of ammo or the name of a weapon that you want to get. You should either put in a number if you are looking for ammo, or type in the name of the weapon inside the brackets to get it.
All Cheat Codes
Cheat | Code |
Enable All Cheats | cht_bEnableCheats=1 |
Disable All Cheats | cht_bEnableCheats=0 |
Auto Aim Enabled | cht_bAutoAim |
God Mode Enabled | cht_bGod |
No Clip | cht_bGhost |
Increase Speed | cht_bTurbo |
Flying Enabled | cht_bFly |
Infinite Ammo | cht_bInfiniteAmmo |
Get All Weapon with Max Ammo | cht_bGiveAll |
Full Ammo for a Specified Weapon | chtGiveAmmo() |
Health | cht_slGiveHealth |
Get Skill Points | cht_slGiveSkillPoints |
Reset Unlocked Skills | cht_slResetSkills |
Start New Game | chtClearGameProgress() |
Start a Specified Chapter | chtJumpToChapter() |
Start First Chapter | chtJumpToFirstChapter() |
Start Next Chapter | chtJumpToNextChapter() |
Get a Specified Weapon | chtGiveWeapon() |
Start Next Level | chtJumpToNextLevel() |
Give you a Set Amount of Armor | ch_slGiveArmor |
Enable Invisibility | cht_bInvisible |
Kill All Enemies | cht_bKillAll |
Kill Boss Enemy | cht_bKillBoss |
Go Through Plasma Walls | cht_bPassThroughPlasmaWalls |
Enable Mental Mode | cht_bUnlockMentalMode |
Infinite Stamina | cht_bInfiniteStamina |
Read more Serious Sam 4 guides:
These are all Serious Sam 4 Cheats that you can find in the game. Post your comments below.
ok but how do you disable them in order to start getting achievements again ?
Doesn’t work on PC.