In this Shadow of the Tomb Raider Peruvian Jungle Collectibles Guide, we will guide you on the locations of all collectibles in the Peruvian Jungle region of the game. Shadow of the Tomb Raider comes loaded with collectibles and hidden items in every region and you can find them all easily if you know their locations.
We have curated this Shadow of the Tomb Raider Peruvian Jungle Collectibles Guide for you in which we will detail all collectibles present in the Peruvian Jungle region of Shadow of the Tomb Raider and where you can find them.
Peruvian Jungle Collectibles – Shadow of the Tomb Raider
The Peruvian Jungle region features 52 collectibles for you to hunt down. We have detailed them below.
- Base Camps 6
- Tombs 2
- Crypts 2
- Challenges 2
- Survival Caches 9
- Murals 7
- Relics 9
- Documents 13
- Treasure Chests 1
- Monoliths 1
Finding the Explorer Backpack and Archivist Map for this region will make it very easy to find and collect all these collectibles, as they will be marked on your map.
Explorer Backpacks
There are 2 backpacks for the Peruvian Jungle region. The first one is located in a small cave near the Plane Fuselage base camp while the second one is located inside the second tomb.
Archivist Maps
The Archivist Map for the Peruvian Jungle region is found inside a building right before the entrance to the Kuwaq Yaku region.
Base Camps
There are six base camps in the Peruvian Jungle. The first one is Plane Wreckage and it is unlocked after you escape the swamp after crashing in it. The second is Plane Fuselage, which is unlocked after you meet Jonah after you defeat the Jaguars. The third base camp is Jungle Ruins, which is unlocked after the second tomb.
Canyon Ruins is your fourth base camp located within the Canyon Ruins, Jaguar Den will be unlocked where you come under attack by jaguars again while the last base camp here is Jungle Cavern, which is unlocked after you, circle back to the first tomb.
The first tomb is located near the first base camp of the region. Clear the rubble using your pickaxe to get inside. The second tomb is located next to the Jungle Ruins base camp.
The first challenge in this region is pick up some blue flowers. The challenge is very simple and all you need to do is pick up these flowers from five trees. Check out the locations of these five flowers below. There are many more trees in the area as well but you only need five to complete the challenge.
The second challenge in this area is to destroy nests of oropendola. They are found hanging down from trees. Just like the flowers, they are plenty in the area but we are detailing some below so you can complete the challenge easily.
Treasure Chests
You will find the treasure chest of this location on a cliff near the Plane Wreckage base camp.
The first crypt of this region is located near the Plane Wreckage base camp while the second one is located on the northwest side of the second camp.
The following relics are present in the region.
- Bowl of Powder – Located before the bridge puzzle
- Elongated Skull – Located in the second crypt
- Flight Log – Located next to the Plane Wreckage base camp
- Handkerchief – Located on the north of the Plane Wreckage base camp
- Grave Marker – Located in the second crypt
- Llama Figurine – Located under the bridge puzzle
- Pistols Parts – Located near the second tomb
- Video – Located in the first area when you return with Jonah
All documents found in the region are detailed below.
- At the Gate – Located in the second tomb
- Fawcett’s Last Letter – Located near the treasure chest on the same cliff near the Plane Wreckage base camp
- Finger Length Away – Located in the second tomb
- Jack’s Journal – Located in the first tomb
- Jack’s Journal 2 – Located in the first crypt
- Jack’s Journal 3 – Located just before the second base camp of the region
- Jack’s Journal 4 – Located before the entrance of Kuwaq Yaku
- Jack’s Journal 5 – Located near the second crypt
- A King’s Ransom – Located across the sarcophagus inside second tomb
- Sisimite – Located on an alternate path near the jaguar’s spawn point
- Struggle for Power – Located in the first crypt
- Surprise Witness – Located in the first tomb
All murals of the region are detailed below.
- Death Lords – Outside the second tomb
- God of Death – Inside the first tomb
- Judge’s Gaze – Inside the first tomb
- Urqu, The Scout – Inside the first crypt
- Rimak, The Storyteller – Inside the second crypt
- Underworld Gate – Inside the second tomb
- Kon – Found in the third area of the region after meeting Jonah
Survival Caches
Images below depict the locations of all survival caches of the area.
The only monolith found in this region is located under the bridge puzzle.
This concludes our Shadow of the Tomb Raider Peruvian Jungle Collectibles Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.