If you are looking for all the Gordo Slime in Slime Rancher 2, this Slime Rancher 2 Gordo Slime Locations Guide will show you the exact locations where you can find all the types of Gordo Slimes in the different regions of the game.
Gordo Slimes are large stationary Slimes that you can blow up by feeding them food and collect the rewards that come out from them. In addition, Gordo Slimes also open up new areas that might have been secretly hidden. As a returning feature from the previous game, you need to feed around 15-30 amounts of food to blow them up and get the rewards.
Slime Rancher 2 Gordo Slime Locations Guide
Currently the Early Access version of the game, there are four different types of Gordo Slimes that you can find. Although it is very likely that more Gordo Slimes will be added, you can find the following so far in the game
- Cotton Gordo
- Pink Gordo
- Phosphor Gordo
- Hunter Gordo
Cotton Gordo Location
This cute Gordo can be found south of the Refinery Transfer node where it will be up the ramp. To reach this area, you first need to go west from the Conservatory and through Rainbow Fields. When you are about to reach Refinery Transfer node, head south until you can find this large Gordo Slime.
Pink Gordo Location
From the last location at the Refinery Transfer Node, head north this time to run into the Pink Gordo. The path to the Gordo will take you through a tunnel until you reach the Slime on the other end.
Phosphor Gordo Location
This Gordo Slime can be easily missed, but you need to head southwest from the Conservatory by going on the ramp path that leads down towards the water. Head down the ramp, and then turn around the corner towards the cave where you will be able to spot the Phosphor Gordo
Hunter Gordo Location
The Hunter Gordo can be found south of the Rainbow Fields near the Feral Rock-Pink slimes area. You will find a path southwest in this area that takes you straight to the Hunter Gordo.
If you are just getting started with the game, check out more Slime Rancher 2 Guides.
That’s how you can find Gordo Slimes in the game as shown in our Slime Rancher 2 Gordo Slime Locations Guide. Post your comments below.