Sony Rejects Days Gone Sequel for The Last of Us Remake on PS5

The Last of Us Remake

A report has confirmed the rumors floating around of The Last Of Us Remake for the PS5 and that Naughty Dog is already working on the full-on remake of the 2013 game. What was seemingly a ridiculous rumor has now turned out to be true, raising many questions as to why this was needed at all.

What is even more surprising and shocking is that Sony apparently rejected the Days Gone sequel for The Last Of Us Remake, a game that surely nobody even asked for. Although some fans might be delighted for the full-on remake of the first game in this massively popular game series, it does raise a valid question. Is Sony obsessed with its blockbuster game titles?

According to a report by Bloomberg that confirmed the rumor, some developers working in Sony are not happy with this decision and how it came to be. Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier reveals that Sony’s Visual Arts Service Group located in San Diego approved the remake without much support and handed the project to Naughty Dog.

The report mentions how the senior leadership at PlayStation is obsessed with big hits, where the company has reorganized a development office in Japan that has resulted in mass departures of people who were working on smaller but acclaimed games such as Gravity Rush and Everybody’s Golf. Sony’s intention to create big hits rather than having a diverse collection of games that start small and gain traction with merit can lead to repercussions on the company and the gaming industry itself.

The company’s obsession is also apparent with another one of its decision where it has also assigned a team at the studio to help Naughty Dog with a new multiplayer game, while another to work on an Uncharted game. This has left some staff at Sony unhappy with the arrangement, prompting them to leave the company.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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