This Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Difficulty Modes Guide will talk about all the difficulty settings that you will have at hand once you start with the game. There are a few difficulty settings that sit in the range for both easy and challenging experience.
Let’s take a look at all the difficulty settings and what experience you might expect from it. The game also has a story mode that totally dulls out the enemy encounters and makes things very easy for you.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Difficulty Modes Guide
Below we have detailed all the difficulty modes in the game.
Which Difficulty to Choose?
There are four different difficulty settings in the game. They are:
- Story Mode
- Jedi Knight
- Jedi Master
- Jedi Grandmaster
As you can guess, the Story Mode is the easiest of them all and is purely for players who are just looking to experience the story of the game with minimum battles and enemy encounters. In this mode, any challenges from enemies can be overcome very easily. Although it totally drains out the fun of facing some kind of challenge.
This is why even Jedi Knight is also quite an easy mode to play on. Though the enemy aggression is tripled, it still gives you enough parry time and low incoming damage to take down the enemies quite easily. This mode is for purely for players that are still new to third-person RPG games and find it a little tricky to combat enemies from all corners.
The third, which is the Jedi Master is a recommended mode for everyone that wants a little bit of both. The challenge it provides adds to the experience and will give you the accomplishment of taking out all the enemies with a few of your skills. The stats of both the enemy aggression and incoming damage is equaled, along with the equal setting of the parry timing. This means that parrying enemy attacks will be tougher than in the previous two difficulty settings.
Lastly, the toughest mode the game offers is the Jedi Grandmaster, which not only decreases the parry timing further but also adds in a heaping amount of incoming damage and the enemies are far more aggressive. If you are looking for a challenging experience, it doesn’t get any better than this.
Read more Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order guides:
This concludes our Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Difficulty Modes Guide. Post your comments below.