In this Stranded Sails Sword Pieces Locations Guide, we will show you how to get all the sword Pieces that are required to complete the Old Bonds quest in the game. This quest is one of the main quests that you will have to complete in Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands.
The Old Bonds is a quest that sets you to search for three sword Pieces that will make up one sword. You get a treasure map when you are tasked with finding the sword pieces. These are hidden in areas that you need to find.
Stranded Sails Sword Pieces Locations Guide
Below we have detailed all the locations where you can find the Sword Pieces in the game.
Sword Piece #1 – Ancient Hilt
This piece of the sword can be found in the middle location as shown on Brenda’s Treasure Map. When you go to the location, you will find an island with a large mountain area just to the south of the island. You need to go to the west of this mountain, which can be done by entering from a cave in the east of the mountain. When you come out, you will find the part to the left of the path with the wooden planks.
Sword Piece #2 – Shattered Blade
This location is also shown on the treasure map where it is the first one on the left. You need to go to this island, which will require you to get a boat to sail here. Once you reach the island, you will need to go to the south side of it where it will be on a small patch of sand surrounded by water and the rocky face of the mountain.
Sword Piece #3 – Worn Grip
The last island as shown on the treasure map will contain the Worn Grip part of the sword. Go to this island, and head to the rocky parts of the island. If you look at the image of the island, the rocky parts are in the shape of a kidney bean. You need to go to the inside part of the bean shape, which is just south. The worn grip piece will be very close to the rocks. You just need to walk close to the rocks to locate it.
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This concludes our Stranded Sails Sword Pieces Locations Guide. Post your comments below.