After 24 years, we are getting a new Streets of Rage game. Sega along with Dotemu and Lizardcube, the people behind Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap, are partnering up together to work on the newest title in the franchise, Streets of Rage 4. Currently, the developers of the game have only released a reveal trailer, which does not tell much about the game such as which platforms it will come and when will it be released.
Check out the reveal trailer for Streets of Rage 4 below.

Helping Sega and Lizardcube on this project will be Guard Crush Games who released Streets of Fury back in 2015 which was a side-scrolling beat-em up title and follows the same pattern as of the classic Streets of Rage games. It was a very decent game and was a good alternative to Streets of Rage.
The game features the same characters from the original games Axel and Blaze but will have a new story; same good old beat em-up action with new fighting mechanics. The developers also said that the game would feature hand-drawn visuals that made the Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap look amazing.
The original Streets of Rage was released in 1991 for Sega Genesis and was one of the best beat em-up titles back in the day. The last game in the franchise was released in 1994 and that was for Sega Genesis as well. Now that the consoles are more powerful, so we are eager to see how will the developers keep the original essence in the game while developing a sequel for modern consoles.
We currently have no word on the release date or which consoles the game will come out, as the developers have not revealed much about the game except for the reveal trailer. We will update this article when more information is revealed about the game so stay tuned for more!